Tweaking the idea of flash mob is flash play, this term means a form of trip in which people find companions quickly through the Internet, and use advanced transportation like airplane to travel to another city together.
把“快闪(flash mob)稍作改动后就有了“闪玩(flash play)这个说法。“闪玩指的是人们通过网络快速找到同伴,然后通过飞机等快捷的交通工具一起到另一个城市去游玩。
A flash play is usually limited to one day and does not extend overnight. If flash players get along well during the day, they can continue to be together the next day, but that is not considered flash play any more.
Flash players generally fall into two main groups: Those who like to travel and those who want to network or party.
注意了,这里的flash player可不是大家常用的那个软件哦。
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