China launched "Jilin-1", the country's first commercial remote-sensing satellites, on Wednesday at noon, marking an important step in the development of remote-sensing space technology.
“吉林一号商业卫星组星(a group of satellites for commercial remote-sensing services)包括1颗光学遥感卫星(optical remote-sensing satellite)、2颗视频卫星(satellites for video imaging)和1颗技术验证卫星(satellite for imaging technique testing),工作轨道均为高约650公里的太阳同步轨道。
其中,“吉林一号光学A星是我国首颗自主研发的(home-developed)高分辨率对地观测光学成像卫星,具备常规推扫、大角度侧摆、同轨立体、多条带拼接等多种成像模式(imaging modes),地面像元分辨率为全色0.72米、多光谱2.88米,可为国土资源监测(land and resource monitoring)、土地测绘(land mapping)、矿产资源开发、智慧城市建设、交通设施监测、农业估产、林业资源普查、生态环境监测、防灾减灾(disaster prevention)、公共应急卫生等领域提供遥感数据支持。
All four satellites were developed and produced by Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co., Ltd. "Satellites are no longer far removed from people's lives," said Xuan Ming, board chairman of the company. "In the near future, more information provided by the satellites will be shared, and more satellite functions will be explored."
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