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发布时间:2015-09-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Fifa on Thursday suspended indefinitely Jér洀攀 Valcke, right-hand man to outgoing president Sepp Blatter, after football’s governing body said it was “made aware of a series of allegations involving the secretary-general.

国际足联(Fifa)周四无限期暂停了秘书长热罗姆瓦尔克(Jér洀攀 Valcke)的职务,他是即将卸任的国际足联主席塞普布拉特(Sepp Blatter)的得力助手。此前这家足球管理机构表示,已“获悉一系列涉及瓦尔克的指控。

Fifa said that secretary-general Mr Valcke had been “put on leave and released from his duties effective immediately until further notice. Further, Fifa has been made aware of a series of allegations involving the secretary-general and has requested a formal investigation by the Fifa ethics committee. No further details were available.


Mr Valcke’s suspension — the highest profile among Fifa officials to date — comes as Fifa is trying to regroup from the arrest at its annual congress in May of nine current or former board members on corruption charges connected with an alleged bribery scandal.


Mr Valcke has not been accused of any wrongdoing. He surfaced in the criminal charging documents in a discreet reference to a $10m payment made to South Africa from Fifa’s coffers.


This year Mr Valcke confirmed that he signed off on the payment made to an account prosecutors allege was controlled by Jack Warner, a former Fifa vice-president accused by the US of taking bribes.

今年,瓦尔克证实他批准了一笔支付给检方指控由国际足联副主席杰克瓦尔纳(Jack Warner)控制的账户的款项,美国指控瓦尔纳收受贿赂。

The Guardian newspaper reported on Thursday that documents it had seen suggested Mr Valcke was to benefit from an agreement to sell World Cup tickets at inflated prices. The newspaper also said the documents were incomplete and could be interpreted differently. The Guardian said Mr Valcke had denied the allegations.


In response to the suspension, Fifa’s independent ethics committee said late on Thursday that “it will analyse all information that is brought to its attention of its own accord. The question of whether an investigation is pending in a specific case, will not be commented upon.


Mr Valcke could not be reached for comment.



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