These are the incredible works of art created by residents in a Dutch village to celebrate theirgreatest painter on the first Sunday of September every year。
Legendary artist Vincent Van Gogh was born in the village in 1853 so he has often popped upas a theme in the Netherlands' oldest flower festival, dating back to 1936.
Towering beauty: The floral masterpieces, draped in dahlias, are paraded around the streetsof Zundert in the south of the Netherlands on giant floats up to twenty metres long andtowering 10 metres high。
Attracting 50,000 people this year, it also celebrates the region’s proud reputation as a globalsupplier of dahlias, an area now covering 33 hectares (81 acres) of 600,000 dahlia bulbs infifty different species。
This huge, flowered float makes its way along the street to marvels from the crowd at theNetherlands' largest flower festival。
More than 50,000 people attended the parade, a tradition dating back to 1936 which is theoldest flower parade in Europe, but only dahlias, flown in specially for the parade, are used todecorate the enormous sculptures。
There is a different theme every year and in 2015, locals were proud to celebrate Van Gogh,who was born in Zundert in 1853.
But this year, to commemorate the 125th anniversary of his death, the town decided todevote the whole parade to his artistic genius, with all 19 floats dedicated to him。
The theme gave rise to a diverse range of float designs, all in the spirit of Van Gogh, withthousands lining the streets to see them go by。
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