For years, psychologists have divided people into two basic personality types: introverts and extroverts. But experts suggest there's middle ground on the personality spectrum, and people refer to as "ambiverts" fall somewhere in between.
Ambiverts, as the name suggests, have both introverted and extroverted characteristics. But neither trait is dominant. As a result, ambiverts have more balanced personalities.
You can tell if you're an ambivert by asking yourself how you'd behave in common situations.
What do you crave after a long day at work when you need to refuel—a happy hour with friends, or your couch and the remote control? At a social event, at what point do you want to leave—as soon as you get there or after the last person has left? In a conversation, do you prefer to think through your answers before speaking, or throw out whatever idea comes to mind and bat it back and forth?
If you're an ambivert, your preference will often be somewhere in the middle—you choose to have a drink with a friend after work but then afterward go home and take a long walk with the dog.
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