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发布时间:2015-09-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编


George Osborne said yesterday he would use theautumn spending review to tilt Britain’s 12bn-a-year aid budget towards humanitarian causesin the wake of the European refugee crisis.

英国财政大臣乔治攠斯本(George Osborne)昨日表示,在欧洲发生难民危机之际,他将利用秋季支出审查的机会,把英国每年120亿英镑的援助预算向人道援助方向倾斜。

The chancellor said the government would use all future increases in the aid budget to deal withcrises such as people fleeing Syria. “This is part of a fundamental rethink, said a Treasuryaide.


Britain is committed to spending 0.7 per cent of gross domestic product on aid, meaning thebudget could rise sharply by the end of the decade as the economy grows.

英国承诺支出相当于国内生产总值(GDP) 0.7%的资金投入援助。这意味着,随着英国经济增长,到本10年结束时,援助预算可能会大幅上升。

Mr Osborne also said more of the aid budget could be diverted to helping local councils withhousing costs for incomers, without breaching international guidelines.


“We will deploy the foreign aid budget to help with the costs of these refugees. People askabout the pressure on public services, we’ll have extra money to help with that.


The Treasury was unable to give a figure for how much aid money could be handed to localauthorities: it would depend on how many refugees are accepted.


David Cameron, prime minister, will set out his position on aid for refugees today amid reportsBritain will accept at least 10,000 extra people from camps on the Syria border. He will use astatement in the House of Commons to flesh out plans — announced in Madrid on Friday —to take more people.

英国首相戴维愠蕓伦(David Cameron)今日将阐明他在援助难民问题上的立场,目前有报道称,英国将从叙利亚边境的难民营再接收至少1万人。卡梅伦将通过在英国下议院(House of Commons)发表的一份声明,补充上周五在马德里公布的英国接收更多难民计划的细节。

A report in the Sunday Times that the UK would take 15,000 Syrians, not far from the 18,000figure demanded by the EU, was described by Downing Street as “speculative.

据《星期日泰晤士报》(Sunday Times)报道,英国将接纳1.5万名叙利亚难民——与欧盟(EU)要求的1.8万人相差不大。但唐宁街表示,该报道只是“猜测。

The UK will offer to resettle Syrians directly from refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey— but not those who have already reached the EU.


Likewise, Britain is not joining an EU quota system being drawn up this week by Jean-ClaudeJuncker, the president of the European Commission, for countries who are part of theSchengen passport-free zone.

同样,英国不会参加欧盟的配额体系。该体系是本周由欧盟委员会(European Commission)主席让-克洛德容克(Jean-Claude Juncker)为申根(Schengen)国家制定的。

Yet UK ministers are determined to prove they are pulling their weight, amid stinging criticismfrom other European capitals.



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