随着我国高铁铁路网的不断完善,坐高铁出行游玩已逐渐被人们所认同。高铁以其速度快、舒适性强、一站直达、公交化运行等优势,潜移默化的改变着人们以往舟车劳顿走马观花式的旅游观念,一种名为“高铁旅游(high-speed train trip)的旅游新模式也随之逐渐传播开来。
In association with Xinhuanet, the China Railway Corporation has launched a "high-speed train travelogue" program for the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, which are peak travel periods, to promote its new "high-speed train trip" campaign.
近年来,高铁的快速发展(rapid development)改变了人们的度假模式。过去,人们只能在时间较长的黄金周(Golden Week vacations)期间旅游,如今,人们也能利用较短的假期(shorter holidays)来场“说走就走的旅行。人们可以根据自己有限的休息时间,有计划的选择出行距离,尽可能到周边或异地享受自然美景(natural beauty)、领略无限风光、体验风土人情(customs)、品尝当地美食(local delicacy),不再把大把的宝贵时间浪费在虚无寂寥的路途中。
The promotion of high-speed rail trips shows the railway corporation is making the transition to a more comprehensive service provider. As public services become increasingly diversified and personalized, railway services need to keep pace with social development and the changes in people's lifestyles. The high-speed train travel campaign is a good step toward further optimizing the use of the railways and boosting tourism development.
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