唱过那么多次生日歌 你付过版税吗-查字典英语网
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唱过那么多次生日歌 你付过版税吗

发布时间:2015-08-31  编辑:查字典英语网小编


It is one of the most beloved and famous of allsongs, belted out at countless gatherings for infant and octogenarian alike. Yet “HappyBirthday to You, far from being as free as a piece of cake at a party, is actually consideredprivate property.


A federal lawsuit filed by a group of independent artists is trying to change that, and lawyersin the case, in a filing last week, said they had found evidence in the yellowed pages of anearly century-old songbook that proves the song’s copyright — first issued in 1935 — is nolonger valid.


A judge may rule in the case in coming weeks. If the song becomes part of the public domain, itwould cost the Warner Music Group, which holds the rights, millions of dollars in lost licensingfees. It would also be a victory for those who see “Happy Birthday to You as emblematic ofthe problems with copyright — a song that has long since survived anyone involved in itscreation, yet is still owned by a corporation that charges for its use.


“It is one of the few songs that you’ve heard for as long as you’ve lived, and you kind of thinkof it as a folk song, said Robert Brauneis, a professor at the George Washington UniversityLaw School who in 2010 published a skeptical study of the copyright of “Happy Birthday toYou.

“几乎没有什么歌能让人听一辈子,这首歌就是其中之一,你觉得它应该是属于民歌,乔治·华盛顿大学法律学院的罗伯特·布罗奈斯(Robert Brauneis)说,2010年,他就《祝你生日快乐》的版权问题发表了一份充满怀疑的研究报告。

The case also highlights the centrality of copyright claims to media businesses like the musicindustry, where the question of who owns the rights to a song can be worth millions of dollars.Advocates for rigorous copyright laws point out that they protect musicians as well as thecompanies that represent them. Still, their interpretation can rattle the industry; that was thecase in March, when a jury found that Robin Thicke’s song “Blurred Lines had copied “Got toGive It Up, a 1977 hit by Marvin Gaye.

这个案子也凸显出,对于音乐行业这样的媒体业来说,对版权的要求可谓重中之重——在音乐行业内,一首歌的版权归属价值成百上千万美元。支持严密的版权法的人指出,这些法律保护音乐人的利益,也保护代表音乐人的公司的利益。但是他们的解释也会令这个行业感到不安;比如今年三月,法庭判决罗宾·西克(RobinThicke)的歌《含糊其辞》(Blurred Lines)抄袭了马文·盖伊(Marvin Gaye)1977年的金曲《要放弃了》(Gotto Give It Up)。

Part of the dispute over “Happy Birthday derives from the song’s byzantine publishinghistory. Its familiar melody was first published in 1893 as “Good Morning to All, written byMildred Hill and her sister Patty, a kindergarten teacher in Kentucky. Birthday-themed variationsbegan to appear in the early 1900s, and soon “Happy Birthday to You was a phenomenon,popping up in films and hundreds of thousands of singing telegrams in the 1930s.

围绕着《生日快乐》的争议有部分是来自这首歌错综复杂的出版史。1893年出版了一首名为《大家早上好》(Good Morning to All)的歌,与它旋律颇为类似,创作者是米尔德里德·希尔(Mildered Hill)和她的姊妹——肯塔基州的幼儿园老师帕蒂(Patty)。生日快乐主题的演变版本于20世纪初出现;30年代,《祝你生日快乐》开始风靡一时,出现在许多电影里,乃至数十万“唱歌电报中(由歌手为接收电报的人唱出电文内容,是一种礼物——译注)。

Its appearance in a scene in Irving Berlin’s show “As Thousands Cheer in 1933 led to alawsuit, and in 1935 the copyright for “Happy Birthday to You was registered by the ClaytonF. Summy Company, the Hill sisters’ publisher. The song changed hands over the years, andWarner acquired it in 1988 when buying the song’s owner, Birchtree Ltd., as part of apublishing deal reported at the time to be worth $25 million. According to some estimates, thesong now generates about $2 million in licensing income each year, mostly from its use intelevision and film.

1933年,这首曲子出现在欧文·柏林(Irving Berlin)的演出里,名为《千万欢呼》(As Thousands Cheer),引发了一场法律诉讼;1935年,《祝你生日快乐》的版权被希尔姊妹的出版商克莱顿·F·萨米公司(Clayton F.Summy Company)注册。多年来,这首歌的版权几经易手,1988年,华纳公司买下了这首歌的所有者伯奇特里有限公司(Birchtree Ltd.),作为一项出版合约中的一部分,据当时的报道,该交易价值在250万美元。据估计,如今,《祝你生日快乐》每年为华纳公司带来200万美元的许可收益,大都来自电视和电影中的使用。

Yet while the song is widely performed at private gatherings, its copyright status leads topeculiar workarounds in public settings. Chain restaurants often come up with their own songsto avoid paying licensing fees, according to Mr. Brauneis’s paper. On live television, it is notuncommon for an impromptu performance to be quickly silenced by producers.


Jennifer Nelson, who is making a documentary about the song and first filed the lawsuitagainst Warner two years ago, said that the company charged her $1,500 to use the song. Thecase, which has been joined by other artists and seeks class-action status, is being heard infederal court in Los Angeles. Plaintiffs want the song to be declared part of the public domain,and for Warner to return licensing fees dating to at least 2009.

詹妮弗·纳尔逊(Jennifer Nelson)正在为这首歌拍摄一部纪录片,两年前正是她首次起诉华纳公司,她说,公司要求她为使用这首歌支付1500美元。后来其他艺术家也加入进来共同起诉,洛杉矶联邦法庭已经受理这一案件。原告们希望这首歌可以被改判为属于公共版权,华纳公司则需退还至少到2009年为止他人支付的许可费用。

“Our clients want to give ‘Happy Birthday to You’ back to the public, which is what Patty Hillwanted all along, said Mark C. Rifkin, a lawyer for the plaintiffs.

“我们的客户希望把《祝你生日快乐》归还给公众,这也是帕蒂·希尔一直以来的愿望,原告的一位律师马克·C·里夫金(Mark C. Rifkin)说。

Warner, which declined to comment for this article, contends in court filings that itscopyright is valid. The song also generates hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for anonprofit group, the Association for Childhood Education International.

华纳公司拒绝为本文接受采访,它在法律文书中主张,自己的版权是有效的。这首歌每年亦为非营利组织“国际儿童教育协会(Association for Childhood Education International)带来数十万美元的收入。

Yet “Happy Birthday to You has long been a prime target for critics of the laws that regulatecopyright. Thanks to an extension made under the Sonny Bono Copyright Term ExtensionAct of 1998 — which was lobbied for heavily by Hollywood — the song remains underprotection through 2030.

其实《祝你生日快乐》早已是版权法批评者们的主要抨击对象。由于1998年通过的桑尼·波诺版权延长期法案(Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act,规定版权的保护期限是作者有生之年加死后70年,比伯尔尼公约规定的国际惯例多20年,1923年前的出版物均属公共版权——译注),版权保护期限得以延长(好莱坞做了大量院外游说,力主通过这一法案),因此这首歌直到2030年都在版权期保护之内。

“The fact that ‘Happy Birthday to You’ is still under copyright is the most symbolic example ofhow copyright has expanded and overreached beyond its Constitutional purpose, saidKembrew McLeod, a communications professor at the University of Iowa who has written aboutthe song.

“《祝你生日快乐》仍在版权保护期内,这是版权法过度扩张,达到违宪地步的最典型例子,爱荷华大学传播学教授坎姆布鲁·麦克里奥德(Kembrew McLeod)为这首歌撰文写道。

Mr. Brauneis contended in his 2010 study that the song’s copyright may not have beenproperly renewed when its initial term expired, in 1963. But lawyers for the plaintiffs in the“Happy Birthday suit — for whom Mr. Brauneis said he was working as an unpaid consultant —now say they have proof of deeper problems.


Last week, they submitted evidence that they called “a proverbial smoking gun: a 1922songbook containing “Good Morning and Birthday Song, with the birthday lyrics in the thirdverse. While other songs in the book are given with copyright notices, “Good Morning andBirthday Song says only that it appears through “special permission of the SummyCompany. Under the laws of the time, an authorized publication without proper copyrightnotice would result in forfeiture of the copyright, according to lawyers involved in the case.Furthermore, under the 1998 law, anything published before 1923 is considered part of thepublic domain.

上星期,他们提交了一桩证据,他们称之为“众所周知的冒烟火枪:那是一本1922年的歌集,里面收录了名为《早安与生日歌》(Good Morning and Birthday Song)的歌曲,第三段是生日快乐的歌词。那本书里的所有歌曲都附上了版权声明,《早安与生日歌》则是经过萨米公司的“特别许可才得以使用的。本案律师称,根据当时的法律,正式出版物如果没有版权声明,就会导致版权被没收。根据1998年的法律,任何1923年以前出版的作品均属公共版权领域。

Warner argued that while earlier versions of the birthday song may have been published, theywere not authorized by the sisters themselves. Also, no copyright covered “Happy Birthday,the label argues, until it was registered in 1935, so there was no copyright to be invalidated in1922.


Both sides have asked for summary judgment, and the judge, George H. King of UnitedStates District Court in Los Angeles, is expected to rule soon. Judge King could deny bothmotions and hold a trial — raising the possibility of a strange proceeding in which all principalwitnesses are long dead.

双方都要求做出简易程序判决(summary judgment),期望此案法官,美国洛杉矶地区法庭的乔治·H·金(George H. King)能够速战速决。金法官也可以否决双方的要求,举行庭审——这可能会很奇怪,因为所有关键证人都早已身故。

As part of the evidence submission last week, the plaintiffs included a paper trail showing howthey tracked down the songbook. It started with electronically scanned images from Warnerof a 1927 edition of the same book, but with the publisher’s crucial permission line about“Good Morning and Birthday Song blurred. Lawyers for the plaintiffs searched for other copiesof the book and found one at the University of Pittsburgh; a 1922 edition was also located.


In a series of emails about the 1927 edition, a Pittsburgh librarian told Mr. Rifkin that thesongbook had been found in a university storage facility.


“Here you go, she wrote in sending it to him. “Surely the copyright hasn’t lasted this long.



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