Children's meals at popular fast food chains around the world vary wildly in the amount of salt they contain.
The difference is so extreme that in some cases, the amount of salt varies by as much as the equivalent of 10 packets of crisps. The research, conducted by World Action on Salt and Health (WASH), tested the same meals at fast food restaurants around the world - including McDonalds, KFC and Burger King. Overall, 37 countries were examined and 387 food choices.
The researchers found the widest variation was the KFC Popcorn Nuggets kids meal which contained as much as 5.34g in Costa Rica, more than five times the amount as the same meal in the UK. It means if a child ate that meal twice a month for a year in Costa Rica, they would consume 18 teaspoons of salt more than a child in the UK. Costa Rica’s salt intake is so high it introduced a national plan to reduce salt consumption across the population in 2011.
The US was bad offender, coming shortly behind Costa Rica with 4.28g. The analysis also revealed that eight out of 10 meals contain more than 1g of salt per serving.
The survey also found only 233 out of 387 children's food choices had complete nutritional information to allow comparison of salt contents. WASH is calling on all fast food restaurants to provide this for parents.
High salt diets are a major cause of raised blood pressure. High blood pressure raises the risk for cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and death. WASH said that too much salt in childhood habituates youngsters to the taste of salt, and puts up blood pressure, which leads to strokes and heart failure. The group is calling for all food manufacturers to universally reduce the salt content of their products, to help achieve the target of 5g salt a day.
高盐饮食是血压升高的主要原因。高血压增加心血管疾病、 肾脏疾病和死亡的风险。“盐与健康世界行动"称,童年食盐摄入过多会导致青年时期习惯食盐、血压升高,引发中风和心力衰竭。“盐与健康世界行动"团队呼吁全球所有的食品制造商减少其产品的含盐量,以达到每日5克盐的目标。
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