Campaigners have for years been battling to get theworld’s poor better access to banking, arguing thatsomething as simple as setting up a bank account and, better yet, providing credit can be themost effective tools to help people rise out of poverty.
But thanks to a rare confluence of technological innovations and new pushes in countriessuch as India, those efforts to encourage what the professionals call “financial inclusionmight finally be paying off.
In a report looking at both the progress made and the government policies being adoptedaround the developing world, researchers at the Brookings Institution in Washington argue thatafter years of work that may just be the case.
“Financial inclusion is really taking off, says Darrell West, director of the centre fortechnological innovation at Brookings and one of the authors. “I think we have reached atipping point.
“金融包容性真的在实现,布鲁金斯学会科技创新中心主任、该报告作者之一达雷尔韦斯特(Darrell West)称,“我想我们已经达到了一个临界点。
The study is not the first to identify progress. In April, for example, the World Bank releasedthe results of a 140-country survey that found more than 700m people worldwide had left theranks of the “unbanked in the past three years.
该研究并非是第一个确认该进展的。例如,今年4月世界银行(World Bank)公布的对140个国家所做调查的结果显示,过去3年中,世界各地有超过7亿人脱离了“无银行账户者之列。
The main credit for that progress goes to mobile phone-based payment platforms such asKenya’s M-Pesa, which have provided a way around often traditional bank bureaucracies andregulatory regimes in many developing economies.
Their widespread use in some African countries has put the continent at the forefront ofefforts to secure banking services for the poor. Kenya topped the rankings of the 21 countriesBrookings researchers examined, with 75 per cent of adults now holding financial accounts ofsome sort, a 33 percentage point increase from 2011.
Among the things encouraging researchers is the fact that after years of being a largely Africanphenomenon, mobile phone-driven services are being launched in other regions wheregovernments are also loosening historical regulatory constraints on non-bank financial servicecompanies.
In an increasing number of places governments are working with the banking industry andtelecoms companies to establish a mobile payment system aimed at those without bankaccounts — in Peru 70 per cent of its 22m adults, said the World Bank.
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