Iconic is an overused word, but it is perhapsexcusable in the case of Marshall guitar amplifiers,with their handwritten logo, leather-look finish and raucous sound unchanged in 50 years.Something not everyone knows, however, is that, despite the all-American aura, Marshall is aBritish family company that grew out of a music shop in west London, and still manufacturesold-school valve amplifiers in Bletchley.
So far, so retro. But Marshall knows how the modern world rocks. For the past few years, it hasdeveloped a line in well-received Marshall-styled accessories, from headphones to wirelessspeakers, designed by a collaborator, Zound Industries of Stockholm, and made in China.
直到现在,马歇尔依旧保持着复古的风格。然而,它却深谙现代社会的流行趋势。过去几年来,它推出了一系列极具自身风格的配件产品,从耳机到无线扬声器,均由来自斯德哥尔摩的合作商尚音(Zound Industries)设计、在中国制造,深受市场欢迎。
Last month, however, Marshall did something less rock and roll than seemingly bonkers. Itannounced a Marshall mobile phone. The “London is an Android smartphone that looks like aMarshall amp and is heavy on music features. On hand to give the lavish launch a rock and rollvibe were Glen Matlock of the Sex Pistols, Phil Campbell of Mot爀栀攀愀搀 and Mick Jones of TheClash, plus a gospel choir singing the latter’s “London Calling.
然而上个月,马歇尔却做了件与其说很“摇滚、不如说很疯狂的事——它宣布将推出马歇尔手机。这款名为“London的智能手机采用安卓(Android)系统,外形酷似马歇尔音箱,强调音乐效果。性手枪乐队(SexPistols)的格伦氠禚洛克(Glen Matlock)、摩托头乐队(Mot爀栀攀愀搀)的菲尔丠贝尔(Phil Campbell)、冲撞乐队(The Clash)的米克琼斯(Mick Jones),以及一个演唱冲撞乐队名曲《伦敦呼叫》(London Calling)福音唱诗班,为这次大手笔的产品发布会增添了摇滚氛围。
In a memorable climax to an unusually confident technology product announcement,Zound’s co-founder, Konrad Bergstr洀, who had grown a mighty Viking-type beard for theoccasion, warned “the big boys to watch out, because Marshall was going to, putting it politely,assault them in a highly scatological way.
尚音的联合创始人康拉德伯格斯特龙(Konrad Bergstr洀)将这场极为自信的技术产品发布会推向了难忘的高潮。他特意为这场发布会蓄了维京式的胡须,并警告那些手机业的“大人物小心,因为,客气点说,马歇尔将狠狠地冲击他们。
Interesting. So how would a small British family business and some enthusiastic Swedes dosuch an indignity to the likes of Apple and Samsung?
I told an Australian investment banker, who spends his day taking pitches from technologyhopefuls, about the Marshall London. He laughed, thinking I’d made it up as a hypotheticalexample of over-optimistic tech start-ups. When I explained this was really happening, he wasstill giggling. “Does it come with a sweaty roadie to carry it? he asked.
I went to a Marshall pop-up store in Shoreditch to try the 399 device ahead of its August 21launch and, I have to say, I like it. The music features — a fancy sound card, the ability torecord music in stereo, a proper, turning volume control, and others — are attractive. It’sreally a high-specification music player with a built-in mobile phone. Clever.
But I still didn’t understand how Marshall hopes to make the business side work. In a week,the store had presold six phones to walk-ins and online orders at the two week point wereapproaching 1,000. Nice, but unlikely to give Tim Cook sleepless nights. I called Mr Bergstr洀.He explained that he approached Marshall with the phone idea. “We are up against the mostpowerful companies in the world, so we need to act right. We need to reach the rightcustomers. We know the hard work starts now.
然而我还是无法理解马歇尔打算用什么方式进行商业运作。快闪店一周内向进店顾客预售了6部手机,在线订单数在两周内接近1000。这个成绩不错,但不太可能让蒂姆錠克(Tim Cook)失眠。我给伯格斯特龙先生打了个电话。他解释说是他找马歇尔提出手机的点子。“我们挑战的是世界上最强大的公司,所以我们必须正确行事。我们必须打入正确的消费群体。我们明白,艰难的工作才刚刚开始。
It was the first phone Zound had made, but it wasn’t just a rebrand of some existing Chinesemodel. “This phone has been developed in every way, from the inside out, with some of theformer top engineers from Nokia, plus input from people from Ericsson and Sony. It’s not anoff-the-shelf product, he said.
Zound has a 10-strong phone team in Stockholm, I discovered, and Marshall’s sound engineersin Bletchley have also been closely involved to ensure the London sounds sufficiently Marshall-like.
Marshall’s managing director Jonathan Ellery told me the target is to sell 1m phones by the endof 2016 — “but at 300,000 to 500,000, we break even.
马歇尔的董事总经理乔纳森埃勒里(Jonathan Ellery)告诉我,公司的目标是到2016年年底售出100万部手机——“不过只要售出30万到50万部,我们就至少不赔本。
Getting the phones in the right hands was key. “We’ve been approached by a number of high-profile music people saying, ‘Can we have a phone?’ and our view is, sure, so yes, they’regetting them. The more they get seen in the right hands, the better.
Mobile phone industry analyst Ben Wood of tech consultancy CCS Insight agrees. He feels thephone is only modestly innovative, but the branding is quite brilliant. “Smartphones are asea of sameness. People are desperate for something new and differentiated. You drop thatMarshall phone on the bar and it’s going to be a talking point...It lit up social media.
技术咨询公司CCS Insight的手机市场分析师本伍德(Ben Wood)同意该观点。他认为这部手机并无多少创新之处,但是品牌塑造方面做得相当好。“智能手机同质化严重,人们都十分渴望新颖、差异化的产品。只要把马歇尔手机往酒吧一放,它就会立刻成为人们谈论的焦点……它能在社交媒体上点亮话题。
Although sceptical — “A goal of 1m units is commendable, but Samsung probably do that in aday — he conceded Marshall’s plan could come off. “A clever, edgy branded deal might grab asmall slice of the market. Create a lean business with low overheads and outsource it right,and, yes, you could make money.
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