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发布时间:2015-08-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编


After much contemplation about the deficiencies ofemerging markets as a concept and what would berequired in a more useful descriptor, I believe referring to these investments as Asteriscs, orassets tied to economies of risky countries, does a better job.

在反复思考了“新兴市场这个概念的种种缺陷,以及一个更有用的描述词需要包含哪些要素之后,我认为把这些投资称为Asteriscs(即assets tied to economies of risky countries的首字母缩写,意为“高风险国家经济体关联资产)更为贴切。

The catchy term emerging markets has been a marketing success. It has also been a poorguide for investors. Above all, it is confusingly inconsistent.


The term describes characteristics of the actual market: a nascent market with low liquidity.It can also refer to a country: an asset class of an “emerging country. Problematically, theterm is often used in both ways simultaneously. Yet, a country can have several markets(equities, bonds, currencies, real estate and others) with different characteristics.


The concept of emerging markets can be misleading. Do markets or countries have toundergo positive transformations to be “emerging? Occasional sarcastic references to“submerging markets are understandable.


Furthermore, the term emerging markets may make us take too much comfort from itscounterpart, developed markets. “Developed implies a stable equilibrium. Can developedmarkets regress? Recent debt crises in several developed countries indicate this question isnot theoretical.


The description of emerging markets as nascent markets fails to provide their definingcharacteristic. Lower liquidity is not always characteristic of emerging markets, nor is it anattribute exclusive to them.


More recently, a different label — frontier markets — has appeared to describe less liquidemerging markets.


Defining EM country risks


A country’s wealth is a good starting point for defining an emerging country. It bundlestogether many attributes, as per capita national income exhibits a strong, yet not perfect,correlation with other characteristics of interest to investors: institutional stability, rule oflaw, economic competitiveness, creditworthiness.


We can thus start by thinking about emerging markets as a collection of asset classesaffected by developments in non-rich countries.


Viewed this way, the appeal and risks of emerging markets become clearer. The appeal isbased on a promise that economies of emerging countries can grow at higher rates than thoseof their developed counterparts. This promise is embedded in the very definition of anemerging country. A non-rich country is starting with a lower base and has more room tocatch up.


The definition also warns us about main investment risks in emerging markets. There isinformation in the fact that these countries are not rich.


However, some rich countries facing geopolitical threats, regime-shattering political risk orsevere debt problems could be still classified as emerging.


We need a more comprehensive definition of an emerging country using the presence ofrelatively high country risk as the differentiating criterion. Regardless of their specific nature,country risks share a common characteristic — the potential to affect performance of allasset classes with strong ties to that country.


Of course, recognising high country risk is easier after the event than before it. Still, at leastone of the following characteristics is present in all cases of elevated country risk:


A country’s wealth below the high income threshold


A geopolitical threat


Impaired creditworthiness


A non-democratic political regime


A geopolitical threat needs no explanation, with wars and lesser types of military conflictsconstituting important risk factors. Impaired creditworthiness, as reflected for example in aspeculative-grade credit rating, is a country risk because default on public debt is a systemicevent that undermines investor confidence, damages the financial system and raises the costof capital. Last, democracies institutionalise uncertainty as elected governments areconstantly changing. Yet it is precisely the flexibility of a democratic system that mitigatesthe risk of a more sizeable political upheaval present in non-democratic regimes.


In a world enamoured of acronyms, we can thus conceptualise emerging markets as Asteriscs— assets tied to economies of risky countries.


In other words, emerging markets are asset classes with an asterisk next to them whichshould remind investors that, in addition to traditional risks which vary by asset class, theyare also taking on an elevated country risk.


Empirical research highlighting the importance of country risks in emerging markets supportsthis approach.


Thinking of emerging markets as Asteriscs illuminates their two roles in a portfolio. First, bytaking on elevated country risks, emerging markets can potentially enhance returns. Second,Asteriscs may also diversify the country risk levels within a portfolio.


This is a potentially significant benefit, considering the home bias of many portfolios. It alsomakes accommodation for the fact that some developed economies are moving fast in thedirection of becoming Asteriscs.



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