McDonald's is not always considered the most glamorous place to work, however oneserver in Taiwan is bringing a little added allure to the counter.
Hsu Wei-han, whose age was not given, has been attracting plenty of customers to her branch of the fast-food chain in the city of Kaohsiung after she was discovered by a blogger.
RainDog spotted the doll-like beauty and noted that Wei-han, who is also known as 'Weiwei' or 'Haitun' ('dolphin' in Chinese), was cute and wore a pink shirt and heels.
Overnight the McDonald's worker has rocketed to fame after the blog post received more than 6,000 likes.
She has been called the 'cutest McDonald's goddess in Taiwanese history' after fans pointed out that the Taiwanese branches are famous for dressing up their female employees in cute themed outfits, such as sailors or maids.
Followers of Weiwei in Kaohsiung are now scrambling to find out the branch where she works in the hopes of getting a peek at the wide-eyed waitress.
Take off the makeup and cut the hair and she's another Taiwan boy.
She looks about 12, how do people find that attractive!?
@JD Duff
She does look like a beautiful porcelain doll, so yes a bit unreal.
@Alonzo Quijana
She's a McRobot!
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