The International Olympic Committee recentlyawarded the 2022 Winter Olympic Games to Beijing,which will host the sports gala with Zhangjiakou, acity in the neighboring Hebei province.
In the West, the response has been apprehensive,presumably because of concerns over rising costsand environmental damage. Indeed, the pride ofhosting the Olympics has lost much of its luster inrecent years. The Athens 2004 Summer Olympics leftGreece with $11-billion in debt, and the cost of the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics soared to $51billion.
Last year, the IOC presented its Olympic Agenda 2020 aimed at promoting sustainability andreducing costs. The agenda seeks to transform the Olympics into a "plug-and-play" event.Moreover, selected host cities must fit the games into their environment with minimaldamage.
In 2008, Beijing shut down many factories and plants to curb pollution, and the cost ofhosting the Summer Olympics was $44 billion. During the 2022 Winter Games, however, Beijinghopes to portray a greener China, with a construction budget of only $3.1 billion.
At the same time, the capital region is likely to benefit from investments in infrastructure,including the Beijing-Zhangjiakou intercity railways, expansion of Beijing subway systems,upgraded highway networks and another regional airport.
What about the environmental effects?
Beijing's vision is to develop a winter sports market for more than 300 million people innorthern China. The plan is to reuse 11 of 12 venues built for the 2008 Olympics. The goal is tointegrate the Winter Games with sustainable development plans for the wider region, focusingon clean energy, green technology, and improvement in ecology and air quality.
In 2008, polluting factories were moved out of Beijing, and anti-smog regulations wereimplemented during the games. But the smog returned with revenge after the Summer Games.In 2022, the city's air is expected to be significantly better, thanks to the government's $7.6billion anti-smog program, which is not directly linked to the Winter Games.
The skiing events will be held in the mountains of Zhangjiakou in Hebei, one of China's mostpolluted provinces. In the arid region, the ultimate challenge is to make snow for theduration of the Winter Games.
In Sochi, Russia stockpiled snow. Beijing aims to manufacture most of the snow in anenvironmentally friendly way. The IOC has suggested that Beijing may be overestimating itssupplies and underestimating the water needed to make snow, but it believes "adequate waterfor Games needs could be supplied".
在俄罗斯索契囤积了雪。北京的目标是以环保的方式生产的大部分雪。国际奥委会曾暗示,北京可能高估其供应或者低估了制造雪需要的水,但它相信 “可以为冬季奥运会提供足够的水。
The 2022 Olympics rely on efforts to clean the air with long-term regional solutions. In thatsense, the stakes are high both for Beijing and the IOC.In addition to costs and environment,the IOC's decision to make Beijing the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympicshas been criticized. But given the fact that one in every five people in the world lives in China,Beijing's role as the host of both games is hardly surprising.
Some skeptics also argue that many Beijing and Zhangjiakou residents opposed the Games.Yet in December 2014, the IOC's independent public poll on Beijing's bid showedoverwhelming support for the games in Beijing (88 percent), Hebei (93 percent) and Chinaoverall (92 percent).
Ever since the first games in France in 1924, the Winter Olympics have not been immune toscandals and controversies, from allegations of bribery and doping to Cold War politics. Yet, fornine long decades, these games were held mainly in advanced economies, while severalcountries - including Switzerland, the US and Japan - hosted them twice, or more.
In the past few years criticisms seem to have become more pointed. Perhaps one reason for thesharper tone is that Russia hosted the Winter Olympics in 2014, and the Republic of Korea andChina will host the games in 2018 and 2022. Indeed, the Olympic torch is shifting fromadvanced countries to emerging economies, reflecting the shift of economic power from theWest to emerging Asia.
In the past, the Winter Olympics were dominated by advanced economies. As emergingeconomies join in, the games are gradually becoming truly global.
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