There's a warning out today for those who go onlineor to apps to figure out why they have an upsettummy or nagging cough or occasional chest pain.Symptom checkers are accurate only about half ofthe time.
The finding is from a Harvard Medical School studythat reviewed 23 sites. One third listed the correctdiagnosis as the first option for patients. Dr. AteevMehrotra, one of the study's authors, urges patients to be cautious when using these tools.
此项发现源于哈佛医学院的研究,该研究对23个网址进行了检查。三分之一的网站能够提供正确的诊断,作为患者的首选疗法。该研究的作者只有Ateev Mehrotra医生,警告患者使用这些工具时要谨慎。
About a third of U.S. adults use the sites in place of going to the doctor. Mehrotra says, theseonline tools are about as accurate as the call-in lines offered by many physician groups. "
美国约有三分之一的成年在使用这些网站,而不是去看医生。Mehrotra 表示这些网络工具与很多医师提供的电话服务几乎一样准确。
The diagnosis accuracy rate for physicians is 85 to 90 percent. But Jason Maude says he doesnot want a Web versus doctor showdown.
医师诊断正确率为85%至90%。但是Jason Maude表示并不希望网络跟医生之间一决雌雄。
"The whole point is not to set the patient against the doctor or replace the doctor, but tomake the patient much better informed and to ask the doctor much better questions, andthen together they should do a much better job," he says.
Isabel ranked well in the study, showing the correct answer more than 40 percent of the time inthe first diagnosis. Those high results, Maude says, may be because the site lets patients typein their own description of symptoms. They might describe a "tummy ache" or "stomachcramps" rather than the more clinical choice of "abdominal pain" used by many onlinesymptom checker tools. And Isabel asks just two or three questions before patients describetheir problem, as compared to sites that ask patients to click through 20 questions .
Clarifying how and why patients use these tools is critical, say the study's authors. They couldreduce unnecessary office visits or inform patients as they talk with their doctors. But forsome, the tools may encourage people to seek unnecessary care.
Mehrotra says patients used symptom checkers more than 100 million times last year, a factthat may stun some physicians. "While most doctors know patients are going to the Internet tosearch for medical advice, in terms of these symptom checkers.I've been surprised that few ofmy colleagues even knew they existed," he says.
Mehrotra 表示,很多患者去年使用病症检查工具的次数超过了一亿次,这让很多内科医生都大吃一惊。他表示:“虽然很多医生都知道患者会向网络寻求医疗建议,我吃惊的是,我的同事中很少有人知道这些网站和应用的存在。
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