The observation that gold has been adisappointing investment of late should come as nosurprise to anyone in the investment world. The factthat this has occurred in the context ofdevelopments that would normally push gold priceshigher is notable. But the most consequentialhypothesis of all is that gold might be losing itstraditional role in a diversified investment portfolio.
To say gold has underwhelmed investors in the past couple of years is an understatement. Itdid not participate in the surge upwards in nearly all financial asset prices; and it has notprovided protection in the more recent downturn in risk markets. Throughout this period, goldhas not benefited from rock-bottom interest rates that compensated for one of its maindisadvantages as a financial holding — namely, that gold holders do not earn any interest ordividend payments. It has also shown an unusual lack of sensitivity to multiple geopoliticalshocks, Greek-related concerns about the single European currency, and the vast injection ofliquidity by central banks.
The performance of gold has been so dreary as to encourage a growing number of hedgefunds to bet against the asset, notwithstanding its price decline of 8 per cent year to date(and 16 per cent over the past 12 months). Indeed, positioning reports point to large shorts.
Several reasons may be advanced to explain these historical anomalies. They suggest thatwhile cyclical factors have played a role, the main drivers are much more structural and secularin nature.
First, investors have found more direct ways to express their views about the future,particularly in a world in which central banks have had such an important influence on assetprices — from the explosion in equity exchange traded funds globally to the deepening ofinterest rate and credit products.
Second, gold has become a lot less attractive to investors as a result of the lack of meaningfulinflationary pressures. It has also suffered from the more general decline in interest incommodities among institutional and retail investors, due in part to slower global growth.
Third, gold faces the growing risk of lower demand from central banks, once deemed reliablecore holders. Part of this is driven by the fall in holdings of international reserves by theemerging world, particularly as they try to cope with the impact of lower commodity prices.
Fourth, as historical correlations have broken down, the analytical case for investing in goldhas been increasingly challenged. In particular, prices have failed to respond positively tosome notable geopolitical shocks, eroding the metal’s attraction as a diversifier and riskmitigator.
Fifth, the main drivers of most asset prices — liquidity injection by central banks anddeployment of some of the large corporate cash holdings via dividends, buybacks andM&A activity — have not spilled over in any meaningful way to gold; neither directlythrough reallocation of investor funds due to price movements, nor indirectly due toconcerns that all this liquidity would fuel inflation.
Sixth, the size of the demand response induced by the lower prices — from jewellery and otherphysical uses of gold — is too small to offset the erosion of investor interest.
Finally, there is the price level argument. Before its recent lacklustre performance, the pricehad surged (eg, at one stage it had risen more than $1,000 an ounce from its November 2008level of $700). Thus, it is the earlier price move that could be deemed unusual and excessive.
Assessing the cyclical versus secular/structural balance of these seven factors, it is hard notto conclude that gold may well be experiencing an erosion in its positioning as a core holdingin diversified institutional and retail investment portfolios. The more this happens, the moreenticing it will be for “fast money to short the metal as a way of inducing even greater sales bydisappointed core holders.
This situation is unlikely to change soon but it need not be terminal. A shift would probablyrequire a broader normalisation of financial markets, including a diminution in the direct andindirect role of central banks in determining asset prices and their correlations. Until thathappens, the glittering metal is likely to continue to languish.
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