Gazprom’s 30-year contract for gas supplies toChina was based on an optimistic view of the oilmarket and offered no protection in the event of aprolonged period of low prices, the Russian companysaid yesterday.
The contract between the state-controlled Russiangas group and China’s CNPC was signed with muchfanfare in May 2014, envisaging $400bn of gas deliveries over 30 years in what Gazprom saidwas the largest contract in its history.
However, since then oil prices have fallen more than 50 per cent, potentially imperilling theeconomics of the project, whose development cost Gazprom has estimated at $55bn.
Gazprom confirmed yesterday that the gas price under the contract with CNPC would belinked to a basket of oil- product benchmarks.
Asked whether the contract built in protections to ensure that Gazprom would not make a lossin the event of a prolonged period of low oil prices, Pavel Oderov, a director at the company,said: “We have registered high-risk appetite for this contract and we do not envisage such anevent.
在被问及这份合约是否包括保护机制、以确保Gazprom不会在油价持续低迷的情况下亏损时,该公司的一名总监帕维尔攠德若夫(Pavel Oderov)表示:“我们在这份合约上表现出高风险偏好,没有设想这样的情形。
Ildar Davletshin, oil and gas analyst at Renaissance Capital in Moscow, said that if current oilprices persisted, the project, named “Power of Siberia, would probably be unprofitable forGazprom.
莫斯科晋新资本(Renaissance Capital)油气分析师伊达达夫列特申(Ildar Davletshin)表示,如果油价维持在当前水平,被命名为“西伯利亚力量(Power of Siberia)的这个项目对Gazprom来说很可能是无利可图的。
Analysts estimate that the gas price implied by the contract was about $350/thousand cubicmetres when it was signed; given the 50 per cent decline in oil prices since then “it could be aslow as $175/thousand cubic metres — clearly a lossmaking level, Mr Davletshin said.
Separately, the Russian government is preparing to support the project. According to adocument published by the Kremlin yesterday, President Vladimir Putin ordered thegovernment to draw up, by the start of September, a “comprehensive action plan to ensuregovernment support for the construction of gas transport infrastructure, including the Powerof Siberia pipeline.
Gazprom said it had no plans to request state support, but that such a step might benecessary in the future.
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