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发布时间:2015-08-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

To oversee international expansion, the AlibabaGroup is turning to a former Goldman Sachsexecutive who has long worked with the ChineseInternet giant.

中国互联网巨头阿里巴巴集团聘用了长期与其合作的一名前高盛(Goldman Sachs)高管,负责该公司的国际扩张业务。

Alibaba on Tuesday named J. Michael Evans, whoalready serves on its board, as its president.

本周二,阿里巴巴任命该公司董事会成员 J·迈克尔·埃文斯(J.Michael Evans)为总裁。

The role is the biggest for Mr. Evans, an Olympic medalist rower who was once seen as apotential candidate to become Goldman’s next chief executive. In his 20-year career at theWall Street firm, he rose through the ranks in London and Hong Kong before becoming theglobal head of growth markets.




He also played a leadership role on the bank’s Business Standards Committee, formed after thefinancial crisis to help the firm quell criticism about its practices.

他也在高盛的业务标准委员会(Business Standards Committee)发挥了领导作用。该委员会在金融危机后组建,以帮助平息该公司在业务上遭受的批评。

But his name came up less frequently in recent years, and he retired from Goldman in 2013.


Mr. Evans’s international experience is expected to drive his work in helping Alibaba expand itsbusiness abroad, and in particular convincing companies in Europe, the Americas andelsewhere in Asia that the e-commerce giant is the best way to access hundreds of millions ofChinese customers.


Mr. Evans first came to know Alibaba during his time in Hong Kong, where he eventuallybecame the chairman of Goldman Sachs Asia Pacific.


He will report to Daniel Zhang, Alibaba’s chief executive.


“I am honored to be joining Alibaba and excited by the opportunity to lead Alibaba’sinternational growth strategy, Mr. Evans said in a statement. “I look forward to joiningDaniel’s management team and working with a terrific group of people with whom I’ve developedstrong relationships.


“As we connect Alibaba and the rest of the world, we are turning to a proven internationalleader who has been connecting China and the rest of the world for most of his career, JackMa, Alibaba’s founder and executive chairman, said in a statement. “Through his work on ourboard, he has built the trust and respect of our management team, and I have no doubt thathe will make a significant contribution to our business.



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