Did Stuart Gulliver get carried away at HSBC’sstrategic update in June?
欧智华(Stuart Gulliver) 6月份宣布汇丰(HSBC)最新战略时忘乎所以了吗?
The bank’s chief executive talked enthusiastically about how it would redeploy $200bn ofbalance sheet capacity into faster-growing markets in Asia — in the Pearl River Delta region ofChina in particular.
汇丰的这位行政总裁当时热情地谈到,该行将如何把2000亿美元的资产负债表能力(balance sheetcapacity)调配到亚洲较快速增长的市场,尤其是中国珠江三角洲地区。
Yet as he presented interim results yesterday, Mr Gulliver said he wanted to adjust themessage.
“A number of people came away with the impression that we were trying to jam $290bn ofrisk-weighted assets into the Pearl River Delta, he told analysts. “There was a wrongfulinterpretation that the entire redeployment was in Asia because of the way we presented it onJune 9. That is what I’m trying to correct.
In fact Mr Gulliver said that out of $290bn in risk-weighted assets that it plans to cut fromunderperforming activities, particularly in its investment bank, he was only confident of beingable to redeploy about $150bn. Asia, he said, would account for about half of the money to beredeployed, with the rest being invested in Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.
Some analysts see this as an effort to dilute slightly its “pivot to Asia strategy after thegyrations of China stock markets amid broader concerns about the country’s economic outlook.
“They are changing their tack on the redeployment of capital, and it looks like they are now notquite so keen on China after all the market volatility of recent weeks, Chirantan Barua, banksanalyst at Bernstein, says.
伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)银行业分析师奇兰坦巴鲁阿(Chirantan Barua)表示:“在重新部署资本的问题上,他们正在调整战略。在近几周中国市场出现这么大波动后,他们现在似乎对中国不那么热衷了。
Mr Gulliver, however, said that he did not see “anything alarming from the market upheaval inChina, and denied that this had made any impact on its strategy.
Indeed, the increased volumes in Chinese equities trading due to an opening up of mainlandmarkets to foreign investors helped HSBC to beat expectations in its first half results, as pre-tax profits rose 10 per cent.
This matters for several reasons.
First, decisions of where to reallocate vast chunks of HSBC’s $2.5tn balance sheet will have abig impact on the shape of what Europe’s biggest bank looks like in the future.
Second, HSBC’s board continues to review whether to move its headquarters out of the UK.
Chairman Douglas Flint dismissed the idea that this decision could be swayed by “evolutionaryevents like the volatility in China stock markets.
有观点认为,该决定可能受中国股市波动等“发展中事态左右,汇丰董事长范智廉(Douglas Flint)对此予以了驳斥。
However, the UK government recently promised to change the way its bank levy is calculated,shifting from global assets to domestic balance sheets of UK banks and handing a hefty taxcut to HSBC from 2020 in the process.
The bank backed away from a thinly veiled threat earlier this year to sell its UK retail bank,which it is being forced to hive off under ring-fencing laws. Mr Gulliver said it made good returnsin the UK and its operation there was “a bank we’d like to keep.
Some analysts are asking if Mr Gulliver’s promise to distribute half of the bank’s redeployedresources outside Asia might indicate a slight cooling of interest in a potential move of the HQback to Hong Kong, where it was founded.
Mr Gulliver played this down.
“I wouldn’t read anything into that...It is not related to any feeling of a slowdown in theChinese economy because of the sell-off in the stock market, he said.
Third, Mr Gulliver raised the prospect of returning excess capital to shareholders if the bankcould not find sufficiently attractive opportunities to redeploy capital.
Iain Mackay, finance director, said this would be a decision for the end of 2016, once most ofthe heavy lifting in the restructuring is completed.
汇丰财务总监麦荣恩(Iain Mackay)表示,这或将成为2016年底的一项决定,届时重组中的重大任务多数都已完成。
But the bank is accruing capital at a healthy rate, and its common equity tier one ratio — ameasure of financial strength — increased from 11.1 per cent to 11.6 per cent in the first halfof the year.
After HSBC completes the sale of its Brazilian subsidiary to local rival Bradesco for $5.2bn thatit announced on Monday, its common equity tier one ratio is expected to move above its 12per cent target.
Mr Barua at Bernstein warns that investors have been excited about the potential for HSBC toreturn excess capital before and been disappointed when regulators raised their requirementsfor bank equity levels.
But if HSBC comes through unscathed from the Bank of England’s stress tests later this year,which are focused on the potential impact of a Chinese crash, investors are likely to becomeincreasingly excited about the potential for a return of capital.
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