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发布时间:2015-08-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

China’s foreign exchange reserves have dropped forfour straight quarters, leading to a fresh round ofwarnings about capital outflows.


Interpreting capital flows has long been a favourite parlour game for Chinese economywatchers. An analyst’s view on “hot money outflows is often an indication of his or herbroader stance towards the world's largest economy.


For those who believe China’s economic slowdown is worsening and risks from spiralling debtand wasteful investment are propelling the country toward a financial crisis, the spectre ofcapital flight lurks behind each new data point. They view capital outflows as a sign of waningconfidence in China, and they warn that outflows will drain liquidity from the domesticeconomy, making it harder for companies and local governments to raise funds.


For more bullish analysts, moderate capital outflows are a sign that China is liberalising capitalcontrols and abandoning its mercantilist obsession with accumulating foreign reserves. Theybelieve that domestic liquidity concerns are unwarranted, since the People's Bank of Chinahas plenty of new mechanisms to expand the money supply to replace the liquidity oncecreated by foreign capital inflows.


Now, with the Federal Reserve preparing to raise interest rates and the Chinese stock marketsuffering big losses, capital flow trends have taken on even greater importance. Higher US ratesare likely to draw capital out of China and other emerging markets, which could place evengreater downward pressure on Chinese share prices.

现在,随着美联储(Federal Reserve)准备提高利率,随着中国股市出现大幅下跌,资本流动趋势显得愈发重要。美国利率上升可能从中国等新兴市场吸走资金,这可能给中国股价带来更大的下行压力。

“The trend of rising outflows reflects policy measures to facilitate outward investments andthe lack of stable domestic investment opportunities, with an additional short-run boost inoutflows due to stock price volatility and concerns about growth prospects, said EswarPrasad, former head of the China division at the IMF, in a nod to both the bullish and bearishviews.

“资本流出增加的趋势,反映了放开对外投资的政策措施,也反映了国内缺乏稳定的投资机会。股价波动和对经济增长前景的担忧也是助长流出的短期理由,IMF中国部前负责人埃斯瓦尔渠拉萨德(Eswar Prasad)表示,他的言论综合了乐观和悲观两个阵营的观点。

After hitting an all-time high of $3.99tn at the end of June 2014, reserves have fallen by$299bn. Analysts broadly agree that China has experienced capital outflows on anunprecedented scale. But they disagree about their size, causes, and the risk to theeconomy.


Goldman Sachs analysts led by New York-based chief foreign exchange strategist RobinBrooks raised the alarm with their estimate that net capital outflows in the second quarter alonetotalled about $200bn. “Capital outflows have become very sizeable and now eclipse anythingseen in the recent past, Mr Brooks wrote.

以常驻纽约的首席外汇策略师罗宾布鲁克斯(Robin Brooks)为首的高盛(Goldman Sachs)分析师拉响了警报,他们估计,仅第二季度的净资本流出总额就达到大约2000亿美元。“资本外流的规模已变得非常可观,现在已超过近年任何时候,布鲁克斯写道。

JPMorgan has also furrowed its brow at China’s capital flow data. Strategists led by NikolaosPanigirtzoglou in London estimate capital outflows amounted to $520bn combined over the pastfive quarters. “The current capital outflow episode in China is a more sustained and severeepisode relative to those seen in the past, they wrote.


Yet several China-based economists caution that Goldman and JPMorgan use estimates that failto account for subtler factors. In a report published several days after Mr Panigirtzoglou’s,JPMorgan’s own chief China economist, Zhu Haibin, obliquely contradicted his colleague’sestimate by citing several reasons that made him believe that the estimates were inflated.


One is a shift in China’s foreign exchange holdings between the central bank and the privatesector. Until recently, the PBoC held almost all foreign exchange within China as officialreserves, while banks, companies, and households held little.


This was due largely to the central bank’s intervention in the foreign exchange market. At itspeak, the PBoC purchased hundreds of millions of dollars a month in order to restrain renminbiappreciation. Chinese banks and companies, for their part, were happy to fob off their dollarson to the PBoC, since they stood to profit from the slow but steady renminbi appreciationbetween 2005 and 2013.


That changed last year, when the renminbi suffered its first significant full-year depreciation inmore than 20 years. Now many Chinese exporters who receive payments in dollars simply holdthem, rather than buying local currency. Though these dollars no longer swell the centralbank’s coffers, the money remains inside China and so should not be viewed as “outflows,economists say.


Mr Zhu estimates that “corporate balance sheet adjustment explains $205bn in apparentcapital outflow over the past four quarters.


“The central bank aims to shift the FX asset holding into the non-government sector. In thatsense, the corporate balance sheet adjustment is a desirable outcome for policymakers, MrZhu wrote.


Economists expect mild capital outflows from China to continue, but most analysts do not seecause for alarm. They note that China’s foreign exchange reserves are still by far the world’slargest and that a significant chunk of capital outflow is due to intentional policy choices by theChinese government, rather than panicked investors seeking an exit.


Finally, they note that while China has liberalised capital flows significantly, remaining controlsstill severely limit the ability of investors to transfer large sums abroad.


“Concerns about the outflows are exaggerated, especially as regards to outflows in the secondquarter, which stabilised rather than worsened, said Wang Tao, China economist at UBS.



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