Smoking has generally declined in the United Statesfor the past 20 years, according to the study. Buteven light smoking is tied to cardiovascular andpulmonary diseases and increases in the risk ofcancer, the report noted。
A new study has noted a rise in the proportion ofvery light smoking. The report defines very lightsmoking as no more than five cigarettes per day。
Director of the Center for Tobacco Control at North Shore-LIJ Health System in New York alsotold the network that those who carry the habit of light smoking may not even considerthemselves as smokers at all or that they can easily quit the habit. She added that this type ofsmoker even tends to increase the amount they smoke over time to become a heavy smoker。
This type of behavior leads to greater health problems later down the road, so it is absolutelycrucial try anything possible in order to bring all of the problems associated with “lightsmoking to the user’s attention。
Instead of asking if someone smokes, maybe medical professionals should start asking howoften they use tobacco, since some smokers may not even identify themselves as suchbecause of their small habit。
The habit may be small, but the consequences are much, much greater. It’s time to get rid ofsmoking completely, and the best way to do that is identifying even the smallest of problems。
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