汇改十年 中国仍坚守谨慎监管之路-查字典英语网
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汇改十年 中国仍坚守谨慎监管之路

发布时间:2015-08-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编


What a long, strange trip it has been for the renminbi since the Chinese government ended theexchange rate’s strict peg to the US dollar 10 years ago this week.


At the time, economists hailed the event as a landmark step towards allowing market forces toset the exchange rate and a concession to trading partners who complained that the currencywas undervalued. They were not wrong.


Yet a decade later, it is striking that while the renminbi has appreciated by a third,government intervention remains a daily reality. While economists expect further steps by theChinese government to loosen its grip on both the exchange rate and cross-border capitalflows, the pace of change over the next 10 years is likely to be slower than in the last.


Central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan has made clear that his vision of “capital-accountconvertibility — a term that normally refers to unrestricted cross-border fund flows — iscompatible with keeping significant capital controls in place indefinitely. Mr Zhou also says hebelieves convertibility will be achieved by the end of this year. That is a signal that the mostimportant changes have already been announced.

中国央行行长周小川已明确表示了自己的看法:“资本账户自由兑换(capital-account convertibility)——通常是指不受限制的跨境资金流动——与无限期保持可观程度的资本管制并无矛盾。他还说,他相信今年底将实现自由兑换。这是一个信号,说明最重要的改革举措都已经公布了。

Just as July 2005 ushered in a period of “managed float for the exchange rate, so the nextdecade will be characterised by “managed convertibility for cross-border flows.


The underlying logic is clear: market reform is a tool to be deployed only when it deliverstangible benefits. But when such forces threaten to inflict pain on the economy, thegovernment is ready and willing to intervene, as its heavy-handed response to the tumblingstock market also shows.


The 2005 de-peg is another clear example. Chinese authorities believed a stronger currencywould promote a rebalancing of the economy towards domestic consumption and away fromreliance on investments and exports. But at the onset of the financial crisis in 2008, whenstability was the overriding concern, the exchange rate was frozen for another two years.


The performance of the Chinese currency this year is another reminder that thegovernment’s commitment to market reforms is contingent on facts on the ground.


Since late March, as various financial tempests have raged — unprecedented capital outflowfrom China, theGreek debt crisis, the stock market boom-bust — the renminbi has remainedwithin a tight range around 6.20 to 6.22 per dollar.


The dollar index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of global currencies, hasfluctuated by more than 10 per cent from peak to trough in 2015. By contrast, the renminbiexchange rate has moved within a 1.4 per cent range. Since the start of April, renminbivolatility has been even smaller — about 0.5 per cent.


Analysts say concern over capital outflows is a key reason that the central bank has tightenedits grip on the exchange rate.


Even as China ran a merchandise trade surplus worth $263bn in the first six months of 2015,its foreign exchange reserves fell by $150bn. That suggests that inflows from trade have beenoverwhelmed by investment outflows, a sign of flagging confidence.


If the People’s Bank of China allowed these moderate outflows to weaken the renminbi, thatcould encourage the outflows, leading to a vicious cycle.


Many of the exchange-rate reforms adopted over the past decade have had little impact onthe government’s ability to control the exchange rate.


In March 2014 the People’s Bank of China widened the band in which the renminbi tradesagainst the dollar. Following this change, the spot exchange rate was permitted to fluctuateby 2 per cent above or below the central bank’s daily fixing, up from 1 per cent previously andjust 0.3 per cent in 2005.


Yet the wider band hardly makes government intervention more difficult. The PBoC need onlyset its fixing farther away from the spot rate to achieve the same effect. That is exactly what ithas done this year. The renminbi spot rate has traded weaker than the PBoC fix by an averageof 1.5 per cent in 2015 — a gap that would not have been possible before March 2014.


Yet the fact that the spot rate has traded weaker than the PBoC fixing every day since lateNovember is a clear sign that the midpoint is acting as a constraint on market pressure forthe currency to weaken.


Analysts broadly agree that the Chinese government is likely to continue with incrementalmeasures to reduce restrictions on cross-border capital flows and allow greater exchange rateflexibility.


Just last week the PBoC announced that foreign central banks and sovereign wealth fundscould invest in China’s domestic bond market without prior approval. Outbound flows willalso be further liberalised, as authorities prepare a plan that will allow individual Chineseresidents to directly purchase overseas financial assets for the first time.


Yet both these programmes will be subject to quota restrictions, a caveat that symbolisesChina’s resolutely cautious approach.



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