The selfie stick has become one of the most popular tools of the year, but not everyone is willing to fork out for one.
Resourceful photo fans have now taken to Twitter to show evidence of their own home-made devices - and with hilarious results. It seems the gadgets, which hold smartphones at arm's length, can be made with a range of materials from rulers and badminton racquets to baguettes.
One user glued sections of salami together to create the pole, and formed a T-shape with more salami and toothpicks to create a shelf for the phone to rest on. While perfect for home use, the sausage selfie stick might not make it past security if you're heading abroad.
Another user came up with an instant solution to and cut a notch in a stick of bread, and wedged the phone in place, before holding the baguette in place to take the snap.
One surprise selfie stick was created using a meter rule to provide the length and Sellotape to attach the phone.
And it's not just the kids who are at it. Older generations have proved to be particularly resourceful with one Twitter user posting an image of their uncle using a garden stick to snap a photograph, in which he peers up into the lens.
Another Twitter user captioned their image: 'My uncle made a selfie stick out of my grandma’s cane.' The accompanying image shows an older man propping the cane up, with the smart phone wedged in between two conveniently placed levers.
Whilst in another Twitter post, a user, a fireman posing by a fire truck, snapped their lieutenant holding up an axe-like object with their phone somehow secured to it.
For another family, taking a group shot just involved sticking an iPhone to a badminton racquet and holding it in place.
The only thing lacking in these ingenious homemade selfie sticks is the button to actually take the picture!
selfie stick: 自拍杆
fork out: 支付
hilarious: 滑稽的,令人捧腹的
gadget: 小装置
badminton racquets: 羽毛球杆
baguette: 法棍
notch: 沟,凹槽
wedge: 将…塞入
sellotape: 透明胶带
cane: 拐杖
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