苹果公司持续火热 iPhone第三季度销量创新高-查字典英语网
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苹果公司持续火热 iPhone第三季度销量创新高

发布时间:2015-07-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编


The technology giant sold 47.5 million iPhones in the quarter to 27 June, up 35% on a year ago, with Mac computer sales up 9% to 4.8 million. The performance resulted in what chief executive Tim Cook called "an amazing quarter".Profits rose by 38% to $10.7bn (£6.87bn), while revenue was up 33% to $49.6bn.


The third quarter is typically the slowest for iPhone sales because many customers put off buying new phones, on the expectation of a new model.


Despite the strong results, shares fell 6.7% in after-market trading in New York. Analysts blamed the fall on disappointment about the company's revenue forecasts for the fourth quarter, which were slightly lower than expected, as well as the firm's profits being too heavily dependent on the iPhone.




Demand for its iPadtablets remained weak, with Apple selling 10.9 million, down 18% from a year earlier. But Mr Cook also said the Apple Watch had had a "great start", in the first indication of how well the company's first piece of wearable technology,which went on sale on 24 April, was selling.


But Apple said that revenue from "other products", which includes the watch as well as products such as the iPod and its Beats headphones, came to $2.6bn - about $952m higher than the previous quarter. Chief financial officer Luca Maestri said that revenue from the watch amounted to "well over'" that $952m increase.


The jump should help to reassure investors that demand in China remains robust despite fears the market is close to saturation point.


However, the firm's "complete dependence" on iPhone sales and growth in China was still a concern. And there are risks associated with its dependence on China.



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