Greek MPs early on Thursday passed key reformsdemanded by creditors as a condition for startingtalks on a new 86bn bailout later this week, amidsigns of a looming split in the governing Syrizaparty.
A vote by the 300-member parliament came after hours of continuous discussion dominatedby lawmakers from Syriza, among them dissidents opposed to a third “memorandum, theGreek term for the deeply unpopular rescue packages that successive governments have triedto implement since 2010.
Euclid Tsakalotos, the finance minister, earlier told parliament the vote would clear the way fornegotiations on the new bailout to begin on Friday with the aim of wrapping up a deal by mid-August.
希腊财长欧几里德察卡洛托斯(Euclid Tsakalotos)先前对议会表示,投票将为周五开始的新纾困方案谈判扫清障碍。谈判旨在到8月中旬前达成协议。
The Greek side had been under pressure to strike an agreement quickly so that funds fromthe new loan could be released to repay 3.2bn due to the European Central Bank on August20.
But implementing the new agreement could be delayed, to the creditors’ dismay, if AlexisTsipras, the prime minister, decides to call a snap general election.
但让债权人感到沮丧的是,如果希腊总理亚历克西斯倠溟拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)决定提前举行大选的话,新协议的执行可能被延迟。
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