China is no stranger to knockoff goods. Over theyears, the country has taken the proverbialexpression "imitation is the sincerest form offlattery" to the next level, churning out scores ofshanzhai, or counterfeit, items, including everythingfrom fake Apple iPhones to Harry Potter books toRolls-Royces and French luxury wines.
But many Chinese are expressing outrage over one of the country's newest films, ananimated children's movie that came out in theaters nationwide on Friday called "TheAutobots," which many say bears a more-than-uncanny resemblance to Disney-Pixar's hitfranchise "Cars."
Indeed, based on the many comments online, it is clear that many Chinese are not buying theflattery argument.
"I know of the movie ‘Cars,' but I have never seen it," Zhuo Jianrong, director of the movieAutobots.
"This is the first time I've rated a film I didn't see based solely by its poster, thank you verymuch," wrote a user named Lancelot, one of more than 3,000 who gave the movie a one-starrating on the social networking website Douban.
Since "The Autobots" hit theaters, users have been circulating a side-by-side comparison ofthe posters for it and the 2011 sequel "Cars 2." The similarities between the two posters areobvious, from the titles of the two films to the layout of the posters, down to the rendering ofthe "lead" cars that have the same blue eyes, goofy smiles and red paint job.
The comparison was so obvious, in fact, that some Chinese said online that they were underthe mistaken impression that the original Pixar film was getting a rerelease in Chinesetheaters.
"I thought the original ‘Cars' was being rereleased on the mainland," wrote a user who goes bythe handle Dianying Fan.
That user, like many others, called out "The Autobots" poster for using an image of a tire toblock one of the Chinese characters in the title, making the original title, "Qiche RenZongdongyuan," appear to be "Qiche Zongdongyuan" ― which also happens to be the exacttitle used for the Disney-Pixar films.
"If you're going to copy the original film, can you at least do it well?" the user asked.
Reached by telephone, Zhuo Jianrong, the director of "The Autobots" and the chief executiveof the film's production company, Blue MTV, said that he had not seen the original Pixar filmbut that he believed the negative publicity would benefit future sequels of Disney-Pixar's"Cars" franchise in China.
"Many Chinese already have a fixed attachment to Disney's characters," Mr. Zhuo said. "Wehadn't anticipated this."
The Walt Disney Company, which owns Pixar Animation Studios, released a statement saying, "We share the same concerns as many netizens and movie fans in China, but have no furthercomment at this stage."
拥有皮克斯动画工作室的迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Company)则发表声明称:"我们与许多中国网民与影迷同样关注此事,但现阶段我们不作进一步评论。"
According to Mr. Zhuo, the production company had earlier received a letter from Disneyregarding the issue.
Mr. Zhuo said the company sent back a letter to Disney that said, "Our animated charactersare all copyrighted in China, and we are operating within our legal parameters."
But despite China's reputation for shanzhai, some Chinese say that piggybacking on thepublicity of big studio films is not just a Chinese phenomenon.
"To be honest, making coattail-riding counterfeits is not just a specialty of the Chinese filmindustry," wrote the Chinese blogger. "The United States has also made a lot of crappycounterfeit films."
Some of the examples he cited included American "mockbusters" like "Atlantic Rim," a low-budget version of the 2013 science fiction film "Pacific Rim" and "Transmorphers," inspired bythe director Michael Bay's "Transformers."
他举出几个"模仿大片"为例。像是模仿2013年科幻电影《环太平洋》(Pacific Rim)的低预算版《环大西洋》(Atlantic Rim),以及以迈克尔·贝(Michael Bay)的《变形金刚》(Transformers)为灵感的《变形机体》(Transmorphers)。
Despite recent government efforts to promote the domestic animation industry, Chineseanimated films have found only limited success at the box office. "The Autobots," budgeted at10 million renminbi (about $1.6 million), is struggling, pulling in only about 3.87 million renminbisince its release last week, according to ChinaBoxOffice.
"The Autobots" tells the story of a young engineering genius who creates three cars with anartificial intelligence system that allows driver and car to interact.
"The film aims to teach children how to think creatively and overcome difficulties," Mr. Zhuosaid.
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