Apple and Samsung are in advanced talks to jointhe rest of the telecoms industry to launch electronicSim cards, in a move could fundamentally change how consumers sign up to mobile operators.
The GSMA, the industry association which represents mobile operators worldwide, is close toannouncing an agreement to produce a standardised embedded Sim for consumer devicesthat would include the smartphone makers.
The traditional Sim card locks in the user to a network but an embedded Sim would enable asmartphone, tablet or wearable user to avoid locking themselves into a plan with a singleoperator or sign up to switch instantly.
Networks expected to support the plans include AT&T, Deutsche Telekom, Etisalat,Hutchison Whampoa, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone.
预计将支持电子SIM卡计划的网络包括AT&T、德国电信(Deutsche Telekom)、Etisalat、和记黄埔(Hutchison Whampoa)、Orange、西班牙电信(Telefónica)和沃达丰(Vodafone)。
Anne Bouverot, chief executive of the GSMA, said all parties were heading towards anagreement for the “common architecture.
GSMA总干事安妮布弗罗(Anne Bouverot)表示,各方正努力就“共同架构达成协议。
However, with any deal still contingent on finalising the technical specifications it will be atleast a year before any devices supporting the electronic Sim reach the market.
The GSMA said: “With the majority of operators on board, the plan is to finalise the technicalarchitecture that will be used in the development of an end-to-end remote SIM solution forconsumer devices, with delivery anticipated by 2016.
Last year, Apple revealed its own Sim card for its latest iPads. However, it was supported byonly a handful of operators such as T-Mobile and AT&T in the US, and just EE in the UK.Those familiar with its UK rollout said that it had not been widely adopted.
The electronic Sim is not expected to replace the Apple Sim, a piece of plastic that fits into adevice and could be included in the next generation of iPhones.
The GSMA said it was “continuing to work with Apple to secure their support for the initiative.While we are optimistic, a formal agreement with them is still in progress.
Apple declined to comment.
“We have got everyone back on one point, with Apple and Samsung agreeing to be part of thatspecification, said Ms Bouverot. “We have been working with them and others to create anindustry solution for machines and will agree a solution for consumer electronics.
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