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发布时间:2015-07-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Exchange traded funds linked to China’s equitymarket underwent extreme stress testing last weekafter trading was halted on more than half of companies listed on the country’s two main stockexchanges.


ETFs tracking Chinese stocks had a record weekly inflow of $13.5bn, according to figures fromEPFR, the data provider. This led one broker to suggest the authorities in Beijing were usingETFs as part of the barrage of support measures aimed at stabilising the equity market.


Bank of America Merrill Lynch said the concentration of inflows into locally listed A-share ETFs“signal market support measures rather than private sector demand.

美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)表示,资金集中流入在中国内地上市的A股ETF,“反映的是托市举措,而非私营部门的需求。

Chinese equity ETFs listed outside the mainland were able to continue trading despiteauthorities in Beijing introducing measures to try and stem the stock market rout, which sawmore than $3tn wiped off the value of companies.


“Although there have been suspensions in underlying stocks, our ETFs referencing China A-shares continue to trade robustly, said Marco Montanari, head of passive asset managementin Asia at Deutsche Asset and Wealth Management.

德意志资产及财富管理(Deutsche Asset and Wealth Management)亚洲被动资产管理部门主管马尔科•蒙塔纳里(Marco Montanari)表示:“尽管标的股票停牌,但我们跟踪中国A股的EFT仍然交易活跃。

The costs of buying and selling Chinese ETFs rose in response to the increase in marketvolatility but liquidity remained plentiful, added Mr Montanari. DeAWM’s US-listed China A-shares ETF experienced more than $1.7bn in trading last week.


Howard Li, an executive director at ETF Securities in London, said: “The China A-shares ETFsare acting as a helpful price-discovery vehicle. Those investors that hold suspended stocksdirectly are unable to trade, while ETF holders still currently have access to liquidity in thisvolatile market.

ETF Securities驻伦敦执行董事Howard Li表示:“中国A股ETF正成为有用的价格发现工具。那些直接持有停牌股票的投资者无法交易,而持有ETF的投资者仍可在这个动荡的市场获得流动性。

ETFs offering direct access (without the use of derivatives) to China A-shares were firstlaunched in the US in late 2013 and in Europe in early 2014.


Early demand for these new products was strong. Chinese ETFs listed in Europe and the USgathered just under $1.2bn in inflows in 2014, according to ETFGI, a consultancy. However,these positive inflows were offset by selling pressure in the Asia-Pacific region, where investorswithdrew $3.8bn last year.



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