YOKOHAMA, Japan — Some of Japan’s biggestcompanies, best known for motorcycles, washing machines and laptop computers, are pitchinga new line of global products: military hardware.
Quiet-running attack submarines. Amphibious search-and-rescue planes. Ship-mounted radarsystems that use lasers to help pinpoint approaching enemies.
After a ban on weapons exports that the Japanese government had maintained for nearly 50years, Mitsubishi, Kawasaki, Hitachi, Toshiba and other military contractors in this semipacifistcountry are cautiously but unmistakably telling the world they are open for business.
A maritime security exposition here in May was the first military industry trade show in Japan,organizers and participants said. And it was the first anywhere to feature the Japanesemanufacturers.
“I’ve never seen them, said Maj. Gen. Mick Fairweather, a procurement specialist with theAustralian armed forces, who regularly attends such expos around the world. “It’s going to be agrowing thing.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe lifted the prohibition on military exports last year, part of aloosening of restrictions on Japan’s military power that were put in place after its defeat inWorld War II.
在二战中战败后。日本的军事实力受到限制。去年,首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)解除了军事出口禁令,并采取了其他一些解除限制的措施。
While much of the Japanese public opposes the changes, Mr. Abe says they are long overdue.The growing might of China, Japan’s close but not always friendly neighbor, has added force tohis argument.
Mr. Abe is counting on increased military-related trade to help cement ties with othercountries in the region that share Japan’s wariness of China. Southeast Asian nations and Indiaare high on the list of potential customers.
Japan hopes Australia, a fellow Pacific democracy, will be a receptive market for Soryu-classsubmarines, built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Kawasaki Shipbuilding. The subs, whichcost about 50 billion yen, or $410 million, use ultraquiet diesel-electric drives that make themhard for adversaries to detect.
Mitsubishi Heavy is also working on a prototype amphibious assault vehicle, used for landingtroops on hostile seashores, that could eventually compete with American-designed vehiclesused by the United States Marine Corps.
Many people outside the country would struggle to name a Japanese arms manufacturer. Evenin Japan, the business is little publicized.
But some of the country’s large industrial conglomerates have long had sidelines in militaryproduction, supplying a variety of equipment, including tanks and planes, to the Japanesemilitary, the Self-Defense Forces. With rare exceptions, the Japanese government has beentheir only customer.
“When you don’t fight wars, it doesn’t exactly help the arms industry, said MasahiroMatsumura, a professor at Momoyama Gakuin University who specializes in politics and nationalsecurity.
“你不打仗,对军事工业发展就没有多大帮助,桃山学院大学(Momoyama Gakuin University)政治和国家安全教授松村昌广(Masahiro Matsumura)说。
Less than 1 percent of Japan’s industrial output is military-related, and only four Japanesecompanies are among the top 100 arms producers ranked by the Stockholm International PeaceResearch Institute, a watchdog group. The biggest, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, earns less thana tenth the revenue from military sales as the top American military contractor, LockheedMartin.
日本的工业产值中,只有不到1%与军事相关。在观察组织斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所(StockholmInternational Peace Research Institute)的名单中,只有四家日本公司名列全球百强武器生产商榜单。其中最大的三菱重工,其军事销售收入不到美国头号军事承包商洛克希德·马丁公司(Lockheed Martin)的十分之一。
Small production runs make Japanese hardware relatively expensive, Professor Matsumura said.And a lack of real-world experience presents an additional hurdle.
“The U.S. fights a lot of wars, so they get feedback on the performance of their weapons, hesaid. “Japan doesn’t fight, so there’s no feedback.
Japan has not sent troops into combat since World War II, and its postwar constitutionrenounces the use of force “as a means of settling international disputes. Among the changesMr. Abe’s government is enacting are new laws that will allow the Self-Defense Forces tooperate abroad in a wider array of circumstances, including to defend allies like the UnitedStates.
To seed the market for military exports, Japan is offering financial aid to buyers. Creditguarantees, for example, would make buying weapons from Japan more affordable fordeveloping countries, by lowering interest rates on the loans used to finance deals. In the lastmonth, Japan has begun negotiating military-related trade agreements with Malaysia and thePhilippines.
India has already expressed interest in a large-capacity seaplane, the US-2, built for theJapanese navy by ShinMaywa Industries, a manufacturer better known for dump trucks and thepassenger boarding bridges used at airports. The US-2 could help the Indian military patroldistant island chains like the Andaman and Nicobar, hundreds of miles from the mainland acrossthe Indian Ocean.
印度已经表示了对大载重量水上飞机US-2的兴趣,这是新明和工业(ShinMaywa Industries)为日本海军研制的产品。该公司更有名的产品是自卸卡车,以及机场使用的乘客登机桥。US-2可以帮助印度军方巡逻队前往与印度洋大陆相距数百英里的遥远群岛,比如安达曼和尼科巴群岛。
Breaking into a market dominated by established giants, often with close ties to governments,will not be easy. In many areas, specialists say, Japan’s best bet is probably to cooperaterather than compete head-to-head.
Japan’s most marketable products, they say, are relatively inconspicuous components, likeimage sensors and carbon-fiber aircraft parts, many originally developed with civilianapplications in mind.
“We make some excellent parts and subsystems, but if we intend to produce whole systems,like next-generation fighters, it’s impossible to develop these things on our own, said SatoshiMorimoto, a former defense minister.
“我们出产了一些优秀的零部件和子系统,但是如果我们打算生产整个系统,比如下一代战机,全靠自己研发是不可能的,前防卫大臣的森本敏(Satoshi Morimoto)说。
Despite their new freedom to export, Japanese companies remain wary of being associatedwith a controversial industry.
“Most of the things here aren’t very weaponlike, said Yoshibumi Kusaka, a helicopter salesrepresentative on duty at Kawasaki’s booth at the expo, noting the absence of guns, missilesand other blatantly threatening gear from the Japanese companies’ displays.
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