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发布时间:2015-07-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编


HONG KONG — As companies listed in China continueto suffer fallout from the stock market collapse, the Chinese ride-sharing app Didi Kuaidi onWednesday showed why it is good to be private.


The company, whose smartphone services connect users to taxis and private drivers, said in astatement that it had raised $2 billion in a new round of fund-raising, and might raise stillmore.


Didi Kuaidi set out to raise $1.5 billion on June 22, according to its president, Jean Liu. Withinfive days, the goal had been met, and now the company has closed on at least $2 billion.


‘‘All of our investors are super-long-term investors, and they won’t get affected by short-termhiccup’’ in the stock market, Ms. Liu said. ‘‘They see another Alibaba coming.’’


After one of the largest private fund-raising rounds completed by a start-up, Didi Kuaidi’s abilityto attract money shows that investor enthusiasm for popular and fast-growing Chinesestart-ups remains unquenched, despite the recent downturn in the markets.


The success of the round also highlights the differences between the top venture capital firmsand ordinary investors. As individual investors scramble to pull their money out of saggingstock markets, professionals looking to capitalize on the longer-term growth of start-up starslike Didi Kuaidi remain undeterred.


After the fund-raising round, Didi Kuaidi has cash reserves of $3.5 billion, which it said it wouldspend on building new services, financing research in data analytics and improving customerexperiences.


The success of the new round is probably a response to the fast growth of Uber in China. TheAmerican ride-hailing service has seen its popularity in China go through the roof since itbegan offering major subsidies to both drivers and passengers. It has inspired a gangsta rapfan song in China.


But Didi Kuaidi was born in competition as the amalgam of two companies, Didi Dache andKuaidi Dache, that spent heavily and competed ruthlessly for market share in 2013 and 2014before joining forces.


In response to Uber’s challenge, Didi Kuaidi began its own private car service, called Kuaiche,and said it would spend $1 billion renminbi, or about $160 million, on subsidies.


Ms. Liu, the Didi Kuaidi president, was reluctant to say whether any of the company’s new cashwould help the company compete with Uber. But she left the option open. ‘‘What I want toemphasize is, we have $3.5 billion in hand,’’ Ms. Liu said. ‘‘We can be disciplined and at thesame time flexible in terms of how we enlarge the market.’’



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