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发布时间:2015-07-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

When Misty Copeland made her New York debut inthe double role of Odette/Odile in “Swan Lake, themost epic role in world ballet, two aspects of theperformance on Wednesday afternoon provedmarvelous. One: that it all happened successfully.Two: the curtain calls.

上周三下午,米丝蒂·科普兰(Misty Copeland)首次在纽约表演芭蕾舞剧中最经典的角色——《天鹅湖》(Swan Lake)中的奥杰塔(Odette)/奥杰莉亚(Odile)。有两点能证明她的表演十分精彩。一是一切都很成功;二是观众多次要求演员谢幕。

Let everyone know henceforth that an African-American ballerina has danced this exalted role with American Ballet Theater at the prestigiousMetropolitan Opera House. Let everyone know that other African-American dancers, RavenWilkinson (who danced with the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo in 1955-61) and Lauren Anderson(who, with the Houston Ballet, was the first African-American ballerina to became a principal ofan American ballet company), brought her bouquets onstage. And let everyone know that herfellow dancers shared her applause with pride. (The enthusiasm and affection shown byJames Whiteside, who partnered her as Prince Siegfried, was especially engaging.)



从此以后,所有人都知道美国芭蕾舞剧团(American Ballet)的一位非裔美国芭蕾舞女演员在著名的大都会歌剧院(Metropolitan Opera House)演绎了这个崇高的角色;所有人都知道其他非裔美国舞蹈家雷文·威尔金森(Raven Wilkinson,1955年至1961年是蒙特卡洛俄罗斯芭蕾舞团[Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo]的演员)和劳伦·安德森(Lauren Anderson,曾是休斯敦芭蕾舞团[Houston Ballet]的演员,是第一位成为美国一家芭蕾舞剧团首席演员的非裔美国芭蕾舞演员)上台给她献花;所有人都知道和她共舞的演员们为能和她一起赢得掌声而感到骄傲(她的搭档、饰演齐格弗里德王子[Prince Siegfried]的詹姆斯·怀特赛德[JamesWhiteside]对她表现出的热情和喜爱尤为真挚)。

As Odette, the Swan Queen, Ms. Copeland has moments of courage and grandeur when youfeel the heroic scale of Tchaikovsky’s celebrated drama. She runs boldly around the stage likea creature accustomed to vast space; she raises her arms with the epic sweep of mightywings. In other respects, she’s admirable but without striking individuality. The substanceof “Swan Lake is there, but in potential. I hope she dances it again and reveals more in it.


For her sake and everyone else’s, I wish that Ballet Theater’s “Swan Lake was a good one.Odette is dully good in the first lakeside act, Odile is vampily bad in the ballroom act, and thenwe go back to the lakeside act to watch Odette being dully good again — more dully this timebecause she has no choreography worth looking at.


As Odile, Ms. Copeland follows in the misguided Russian tradition of tucking her head down andrepeatedly looking hard at the audience under her brows (as if at the mirror) to let us know sheis a scheming villainess. The result makes her look unclassical and makes Siegfried, by falling forher, look even more of a ninny than usual.


The only obvious technical feature in which Ms. Copeland can improve is the notorious — andoverrated — fouetté turns. She did the first half of the usual quota, though wandering acrossthe stage; then she did a series of quick single turns — a smart alternative since they hadmore musical dynamics than most accounts of the fouettés.


Still, it’s the flashes of bravery in Ms. Copeland’s dancing, especially as Odette, that begin toillumine this ballet. As yet they’re only intermittent; but since they’re part of Ms. Copeland’sstory as well as Odette’s, they’re more than welcome.



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