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发布时间:2015-07-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

China’s roller-coaster stocks will again be under thespotlight after the central bank cut benchmarkinterest rates to a record low at the weekend, amove interpreted by analysts as an attempt totemper last week’s market meltdown.


The Shanghai Composite sank 7.4 per cent onFriday, wiping hundreds of billions of dollars off thetotal market capitalisation of the index. The markethas reversed 18.8 per cent from its June 12 high, although it is still up almost 30 per cent inthe year to date.

上证综指(Shanghai Composite)上周五下挫7.4%,抹去该指数成份股公司共计几千亿美元的市值。与6月12日达到的高点相比,上证综指已下跌18.8%,但今年迄今仍上涨近30%。



The People’s Bank of China appeared to respond on Saturday, when it cut the one-year lendingrate by 25 basis points to 4.85 per cent — its fourth cut since November — and lowered theamount of reserves certain banks are required to hold by 50 basis points.


“In China, a rate cut or a cut in the reserve requirement ratio is about signalling, says LarryHu, head of China economics at Macquarie. “The signal is mostly to boost confidence. Whenthe PBOC cuts interest rates or RRR it suggests China is in an easing cycle, that is veryimportant. It will inject a lot of confidence in the stock market.

“在中国,降息或降准的意义在于发出信号,麦格理(Macquarie)中国经济研究主管胡伟俊(Larry Hu)表示。“这个信号主要是提振信心。中国央行削减利率或存款准备金率,说明中国处于宽松周期,这是非常重要的。它会给股市注入大量信心。

China’s stock market is widely seen as driven by policy at least as much as companyfundamentals. The perception that the latest rate cut is a hasty response to Friday’scorrection risks undermining the credibility of previous official statements that thegovernment should focus on structural reforms and avoid trying to influence the market.


The one-year deposit rate will similarly be lowered b 25 basis, to 2 per cent.


“This is the best time for them to cut interest rates and the reserve requirement ratios, saidShen Jianguang, chief Asia economist at Mizuho Securities. “If they had not acted, on Mondaythere would have been real panic.

“这是他们降息降准的最佳时机,瑞穗证券(Mizuho Securities)首席亚洲经济学家沈建光表示。“如果他们不采取行动,周一就会出现真正的恐慌。

More than two-thirds of the companies listed in Shanghai hit their daily downward limit of 10 percent on Friday. Some of the biggest stocks saw billions of dollars knocked off their value, withChina Life Insurance shedding 7.5 per cent, while the tech-heavy Shenzhen market dropped 7.9per cent. Mr Shen added that real interest rates in China remained very high and investmentcontinued to decline but the PBOC could not move before this because of the stock marketbubble.

上周五在上海股市,逾三分之二股票跌停,即触及10%的单日跌幅上限。一些最大的个股市值蒸发数十亿美元,其中中国人寿(China Life Insurance)下跌7.5%,同时以科技股为主的深圳股市下跌7.9%。沈建光补充说,中国的实际利率仍然很高,投资继续下降,但央行此前由于股市泡沫而不能采取行动。

“The rate cut is a necessary step in the right direction, said Wang Tao, China chief economistat UBS. “Real lending rates are still significantly higher than a year ago. High real rates [coupledwith] a weak economy with deflationary pressures means a heavy debt service burden on thereal economy, both the corporate sector and local governments.


Mr Shen said he expected the government also to continue tightening up on margin finance,which helped fuel the recent stock market rally. A week ago the regulator took fresh steps totame the growth of margin lending, which some say contributed to last week’s marketvolatility.


Beijing has set a growth target of about 7 per cent for 2015, which would be the slowestannual expansion since 1990. However, policy makers want to avoid an abrupt slowdown thatcould cause unemployment to spike and trigger a wave of defaults.



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