It is curious to reflect that when US and UK policyinterest rates were cut to their lowest ever levels inMarch 2009, markets expected them to be on therise within the year. More than six years later therates remain the same and the markets are stillobsessed with the timing of a rise. When that willhappen is as clear as mud in the wake of afterthe Federal Open Market Committee’s statement last week.
The one thing that is bIt is beyond doubt that the “normalisation of monetary policy is a longway off. Janet Yellen, chairwoman of the Federal Reserve, has indicated that when the rises docome they will be small, incremental and predictable. For some years we will be in a subnormalinterest rate world.
只有一点毋庸置疑,那就是货币政策“正常化离我们还很远。美联储(Fed)主席珍妮特•耶伦(Janet Yellen,见上图)表示,当真的开始加息时,加息将是小幅、渐进和可预测的。未来好几年,我们将生活在一个利息低于正常水平的世界里。
It will also be a low growth world — witness the downward revisions to growth projections ofboth the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England this month. The eurozone and Japan,despite enjoying the benefits of big competitive devaluations, are struggling to deliver half-decent growth rates.
And competitive devaluation is anyway a zero sum game that does nothing to boost theglobal economy. China is slowing palpably even if the official figures are disguising theunderlying reality. The post-crisis assumption that emerging market economies would showthe developed world a clean pair of heels now no longer holds.
Against a background of inadequate global demand the collapse in energy and commodityprices has added powerful disinflationary impetus. Wage increases in the developed world, withthe notable exception of the UK just recently, have been subdued.
Forward markets are telling us that interest rates are going to be muchfar lower than pre-crisisaverage policy rates since 1945 for the US, UK, the eurozone and Japan, which wererespectively 3 per cent, 7 per cent, 3 per cent and 4 per cent.
In other words, the markets are saying that this time is different, a formulation that is reliablydangerous when it comes to predicting the future. Of course, some things really are different.For much of the postwar period most central banks were not independent, though whetherindependence has been the driving force behind prolonged disinflation is another matter, as isthe question of whether central banks will remain independent in future.
Given the quasi-fiscal nature of their activities since the crisis and the risk thatunconventional measures pose to their balance sheets, the possibility of a political land-grabin monetary policy is not negligible.
On the other hand, liberalisation of labour markets and the decline of union power seemsunlikely to be reversed in the short and medium term. Note, though, that with ageingpopulations, a shrinking workforce may exercise market power to grab higher wages against aretired population that tries to use voting power to secure stable retirement incomes.
The dangers inherent in a subnormal interest rate world relate, first, to the accumulation ofdebt. Debt of almost any size in relation to gross domestic product becomes manageable attoday’s negligible interest rates. Whether it stays manageable depends on whether politiciansseize the opportunity to deliver structural reforms and infrastructure investment to enhancegrowth, without which debts cannot ultimately be serviced.
The snag is that low growth makes it hard to summon up the political will for reform, whichtends to impede growth in the short run before producing a longer-term pay-off.
Then there is the problem of dismal investment returns and the impact of low discount rateson pension fund liabilities. It is impossible to know how far pension fund deficits dampenenanimal spirits in the boardroom, but where pension funds are big in relation to the company,deficits cannot help.
They may well have been a factor, albeit a minor one, in the weakness of investment since2008. Equally important, a subnormal interest rate environment reduces the scale of creativedestruction and confers advantage on big companies at the expense of more productivesmaller companies that lack good access to credit markets.
In such a world any reversion to the historic interest rate mean is distant. There is nogeneralised sword of Damocles hanging over the heavily indebted developed world for themomentnow. Yet for individual countries an early reversion may be the reward for bad policy.Japan and southern Europe are the laboratories in which this hypothesis will be tested.
The writer is an FT columnist
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