Share sales by US oil and gas companies haveslowed sharply in recent months, in a sign of thetightening financial pressures on the industryfollowing the fall in crude prices, writes Ed Crooks.
US exploration and production companies raised arecord total of $10.8bn from issuing new equity inthe first quarter of 2015, according to Dealogic, butthat has fallen to $3.7bn in the second quarter,which ends tomorrow.
The reduced availability of equity finance for the small and midsized companies that led the USshale revolution is forcing more of them to look at selling assets to remain solvent. Corporatebankruptcies and takeovers in the industry are also expected to increase.
In the first few months of 2015 there was a rush by US oil and gas companies to sell shares tostrengthen their balance sheets, with the proceeds used to pay down debt and help financetheir drilling programmes.
Whiting Petroleum and Noble Energy ach raised about $1bn, and were among the 38 companiesin the industry that have sold shares this year.
今年,油气行业有38家公司售出了股份,Whiting Petroleum和诺贝尔能源公司(Noble Energy)就是其中的两家,它们各自筹得了约10亿美元的资金。
However, Deborah Byers, a partner at accounting and consulting group Ernst & Young,suggested companies that had already issued equity were unlikely to be able to do so again,because of concerns from existing investors about dilution. “It may be a one-shot deal, shesaid.
然而,会计和咨询公司安永(Ernst & Young)的合伙人德博拉•拜尔斯(Deborah Byers)认为,已发行过股份的公司八成没能力再次发股,因为现有股东担心自己的股权被稀释。她说:“这可能是一锤子买卖。
Credit markets have remained open to exploration and production companies, with borrowingthrough loans and bonds hitting $31.4bn in the second quarter, up from $28.4bn in the firstquarter, according to Dealogic.
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