Was I on the edge of my seat, waiting for theSupreme Court decision on Obamacare subsidies?No — I was pacing the room, too nervous to sit,worried that the court would use one sloppily wordedsentence to deprive millions of health insurance,condemn tens of thousands to financial ruin, andsend thousands to premature death.
It didn’t. And that means that the big distractions — the teething problems of the website, theobjectively ludicrous but nonetheless menacing attempts at legal sabotage — are behind us,and we can focus on the reality of health reform. The Affordable Care Act is now in its secondyear of full operation; how’s it doing?
它没有做出这样的裁决。这意味着一些大的干扰——早期出现的网站技术问题、一些客观讲比较荒唐可笑、但仍是用心险恶的、通过法律途径发起的破坏活动——已经过去,我们可以专注于医改现实层面的东西了。《平价医疗费用法案》(Affordable Care Act)已经实施一年多,情况到底如何呢?
The answer is, better than even many supporters realize.
Start with the act’s most basic purpose, to cover the previously uninsured. Opponents of thelaw insisted that it would actually reduce coverage; in reality, around 15 million Americans havegained insurance.
But isn’t that a very partial success, with millions still uncovered? Well, many of those stilluninsured are in that position because their state governments have refused to let the federalgovernment enroll them in Medicaid.
Beyond that, you need to realize that the law was never intended or expected to covereveryone. Undocumented immigrants aren’t eligible, and any system that doesn’t enroll peopleautomatically will see some of the population fall through the cracks. Massachusetts has hadguaranteed health coverage for almost a decade, but 5 percent of its nonelderly adultpopulation remains uninsured.
Suppose we use 5 percent uninsured as a benchmark. How much progress have we madetoward getting there? In states that have implemented the act in full and expanded Medicaid,data from the Urban Institute show the uninsured falling from more than 16 percent to just 7.5percent — that is, in year two we’re already around 80 percent of the way there. Most of theway with the A.C.A.!
如果以5%的未参保人口比例为基准。我们已经取得多大进步?美国城市研究院(Urban Institute)的数据显示,在全面施行该法案和扩大联邦医疗补助的州,未参保人口比例从高于16%降低到只有7.5%——也就是说,在医保改革实施第二年,我们就达到了目标的80%。《合理医疗费用法案》的目标已经接近实现!
But how good is that coverage? Cheaper plans under the law do have relatively largedeductibles and impose significant out-of-pocket costs. Still, the plans are vastly better thanno coverage at all, or the bare-bones plans that the act made illegal. The newly insured haveseen a sharp drop in health-related financial distress, and report a high degree of satisfactionwith their coverage.
What about costs? In 2013 there were dire warnings about a looming “rate shock; instead,premiums came in well below expectations. In 2014 the usual suspects declared that hugepremium increases were looming for 2015; the actual rise was just 2 percent. There wasanother flurry of scare stories about rate hikes earlier this year, but as more information comesin it looks as if premium increases for 2016 will be bigger than for this year but still modest byhistorical standards — which means that premiums remain much lower than expected.
And there has also been a sharp slowdown in the growth of overall health spending, which isprobably due in part to the cost-control measures, largely aimed at Medicare, that were also animportant part of health reform.
What about economic side effects? One of the many, many Republican votes against Obamacareinvolved passing something called the Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act, andopponents have consistently warned that helping Americans afford health care would lead toeconomic doom. But there’s no job-killing in the data: The U.S. economy has added more than240,000 jobs a month on average since Obamacare went into effect, its biggest gains since the1990s.
Finally, what about claims that health reform would cause the budget deficit to explode? Inreality, the deficit has continued to decline, and the Congressional Budget Office recentlyreaffirmed its conclusion that repealing Obamacare would increase, not reduce, the deficit.
最后,那些声称医疗改革会令财政赤字规模扩大的言论是否成真了呢?实际上,赤字规模已经在不断下降,国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)最近再次确认,撤销奥巴马医改法案只会增加,而非减少财政赤字。
Put all these things together, and what you have is a portrait of policy triumph — a law that,despite everything its opponents have done to undermine it, is achieving its goals, costing lessthan expected, and making the lives of millions of Americans better and more secure.
Now, you might wonder why a law that works so well and does so much good is the object ofso much political venom — venom that is, by the way, on full display in Justice AntoninScalia’s dissenting opinion, with its rants against “interpretive jiggery-pokery. But whatconservatives have always feared about health reform is the possibility that it might succeed,and in so doing remind voters that sometimes government action can improve ordinaryAmericans’ lives.
现在,你可能会纳闷,为何成效如此好、利好如此多的一项法案会召来那么多恶毒的政治攻击——顺便说一句,这种攻击在安东宁·斯卡利亚大法官(Justice Antonin Scalia)最近对“诡辩解释(interpretive jiggery-pokery)发出的激烈反对意见中体现得淋漓尽致。保守派一直担心的是,医改可能会成功,并由此提醒选民,有时候政府行为的确能提高普通美国人的生活水平。
That’s why the right went all out to destroy the Clinton health plan in 1993, and tried to do thesame to the Affordable Care Act. But Obamacare has survived, it’s here, and it’s working. Thegreat conservative nightmare has come true. And it’s a beautiful thing.
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