贷款未获延长 希腊将关闭银行避免金融崩溃-查字典英语网
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贷款未获延长 希腊将关闭银行避免金融崩溃

发布时间:2015-07-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

ATHENS — Greece will keep its banks closed onMonday and place restrictions on the withdrawaland transfer of money, Prime Minister Alexis Tsiprassaid in a televised address on Sunday night, asAthens tries to avert a financial collapse.

雅典——希腊总理亚历克西斯·齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)在周日晚间的电视讲话中表示,本周一,希腊将关闭银行,同时对取款和汇款加以限制。当前,雅典正在努力避免发生金融崩溃。



The government’s decision to close banks temporarily and impose other so-called capitalcontrols — and to keep the stock market closed on Monday — came hours after the EuropeanCentral Bank said it would not expand an emergency loan program that has been propping upGreek banks in recent weeks while the government was trying to reach a new debt deal withinternational creditors.

希腊政府决定暂时关闭银行,实施其他一些“资本管制措施——并在本周一关闭股市。在这个决定做出的几个小时前,欧洲央行(European Central Bank)表示将不会扩大一项针对希腊的紧急贷款计划。最近几周,当希腊政府试图与国际债权人达成新的债务协议时,这一计划为该国的银行提供了支持。

The debt negotiations broke down over the weekend after Mr. Tsipras said he would let theGreek people decide whether to accept the creditors’ latest offer. That referendum vote is to beheld next Sunday, after the current bailout program will have expired.


Mr. Tsipras in his televised address criticized Eurozone finance ministers for refusing toextend Greece’s loan program, a decision that in turn prompted the the European CentralBank to decline to increase its emergency loans to Greek banks.


“It is clearer than ever that this decision has no other goal apart from blackmailing the Greekpeople and obstructing the smooth democratic procedure of the referendum, he said.


Mr. Tsipras’s remarks did not include details of the bank closings and other controls on themovement of money, which the government was expected to explain later in the evening.Greece, though, appears to be taking steps similar to ones by Cyprus in 2013 to avoid a bankcollapse.


In that case, however, the Cypriot government acted in concert with other Europeangovernments as part of a new bailout program. In Greece, the emergency banking measureswere a result of a breakdown in talks with other eurozone countries. The breakdown hasintensified pressure on cash-poor banks as jittery Greeks withdraw their savings.


When Greek officials huddled before Mr. Tsipras addressed the nation, it had not yet beendecided how long the banks would remain closed or what cap would be placed on dailywithdrawals from A.T.M.s, according to a person briefed on the discussion. But the person, whowas not authorized to speak publicly, said that the daily limit could end up as low as 50 euros


If so, that would be an extremely tight cash withdrawal limit, highlighting the dire condition ofthe Greek banking system. When banks were closed during the Cyprus crisis in 2013, the dailylimit on withdrawals was


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