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发布时间:2015-06-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Airbus is hoping to clinch one of its biggest Chineseorders by value next week as it enters the final stageof a two-year negotiation over the sale of up to 70A330 wide-body jets.


If the contract is signed when Chinese Premier LiKeqiang stops off in Toulouse next week, Airbuswould be close to securing the orders it needs tokeep its production line running while it makes thetransition from the existing A330 to a new re-engined version due to enter service in 2017.Bridging that gap is crucial to managing production costs and retaining skills.




The Chinese government is understood to be discussing an order of between 50 and 70 A330aircraft, including the regional version of the twin aisle jet, worth up to $17.8bn at brochureprices.


Airbus’s biggest Chinese order to date was last year’s booking by the government’s aviationprocurement agency, CASCG, for 150 A320 narrow bodies at a list price of $15bn. The priceactually paid is likely to be significantly lower than the list price, given the volume andimportance of the deal.


People close to the discussions were cautiously confident that a deal could come next week,though they stressed that there was still a chance that the Chinese government could fail tosign the contract.


Beijing has targeted significant airport investment, given rapidly rising demand for air travel andanalysts estimate China will need some 6,000 new and replacement aircraft to fulfil carriers’needs. Airbus predicts that by 2025 China will be the largest market for domestic air travel inthe world, overtaking the US, strengthening the case for the regional jet.


For Airbus, this order is crucial to meeting its target of producing six A330s a month fromnext year, while it makes the delicate transition to the A330 neo. Earlier this year slowerorders for the older version of the wide body forced it to cut the rate from the current 10 amonth.

空客将从明年起每月生产6架A330,对它来说,中国订单对于完成这个目标至关重要。空客目前正在谨慎地转向新版A330客机,即A330 neo。今年早些时候,旧版A330订单的放缓曾迫使空客将月产量从目前的10架下调为6架。

Sash Tusa, analyst with Agency Partners estimates that the group needs roughly 80 A330orders to meet that lower rate. However, he warned that even with the Chinese deal, there wererisks that other existing orders could be amended.

Agency Partners分析师萨什•图萨(Sash Tusa)估计,空客需要大约80架A330的订单才能实现下调后的生产目标。但他警告称,即便与中国达成交易,其他既有订单也仍有可能面临修改。


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