Fourteen watercolor paintings and drawingspresumed to be the work of a young Adolf Hitlerwere sold at auction in Germany for $440,000 (about 391,000 euros), the German news serviceDeutsche-Presse Agentur reported. The most expensive artwork, a watercolor signed by A.Hitler, of the Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria was sold to an unnamed buyer from China at theWeidler auction house in Nuremberg for over $113,000 (100,000 euros); a still life of carnationsfetched over $82,000 (73,000 euros), according to Deutsche-Presse Agentur. The art datesfrom 1904 to 1922 and includes a female nude, scenes of Vienna and Prague, and a portrait ofa girl. The collection sold for substantially more than the $143,000 paid at a British auction in2009 for a group of 13 paintings attributed to Hitler. Last year, the Weidler auction house solda watercolor said to have been painted by Hitler to an unnamed buyer from the Middle East foraround $161,000.
据德国资讯社(Deutsche-Presse Agentur)报道,十四幅据信是阿道夫·希特勒(Adolf Hitler)年轻时所作作品的水彩画和素描在德国的拍卖会上共拍出44万美元(约39.1万欧元、273万元人民币)。一幅画有巴伐利亚新天鹅城堡(Neuschwanstein Castle)的水彩画在这些作品中价格最高,最终以11.3万多美元(约10万欧元、70万元人民币)成交。这幅画带有“A. Hitler的签名,买家是一位来自中国的匿名人士,交易在纽伦堡(Nurembery)的魏德勒拍卖行(Weidler)进行。此外,一幅康乃馨静物画以8.2万多美元(约7.3万欧元、51万元人民币)拍售。这些画作创作于1904年至1922年年间,还包括一幅女性裸体画、若干维也纳、布拉格的风景,以及一幅女孩肖像。2009年,13幅被认为是希特勒作品的画作在英国的拍卖会上共拍得14.3万多美元(约89万元人民币)。本次拍卖这些作品,成交总额远超过英国那一批。去年,魏德勒拍卖行将一幅据信是希特勒作品的水彩画,以约16.1万美元(约100万元人民币)拍给了一位来自中东的匿名买家。
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