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发布时间:2015-06-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Three of the world’s biggest carmakershave jumped into peer-to-peer vehicle sharing, as the automobile industry scrambles to stayrelevant in the age of Uber and BlaBlaCar.



Within hours of each other, Ford, General Motors and BMW announced Airbnb-style schemeson Wednesday – with each manufacturer claiming to be the first to let car owners earn moneyby renting out their new vehicles to other drivers.

周三,福特(Ford)、通用汽车(General Motors)和宝马(BMW)在几小时内相继公布了Airbnb式的计划。这三家汽车制造商各自声称自己是首个令车主能通过将新车租给其他人来赚钱的商家。

The moves are part of established companies’ attempts to respond to the changing tastes ofso-called millennials. Motor industry executives are watching with alarm as consumer-focusedsectors are disrupted by new entrants encouraging individuals to share goods and serviceswith each other.


“Society and the automotive industry are undergoing radical change, said PeterSchwarzenbauer, member of the BMW board for the British brands Mini and Rolls-Royce.

分管英国品牌MINI和劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)的宝马管理委员会成员萧绅博(Peter Schwarzenbauer)表示:“社会和汽车业正在发生根本性变化。

From next year, BMW will allow customers buying a Mini to choose to rent out their cars viaDriveNow, an existing scheme run by the German carmaker. The option will initially beavailable in the US and later in DriveNow cities such as London.


BMW announced the scheme just as Opel, General Motors’ European marque, said it wouldoffer “car sharing for everyone. Opel CarUnity will allow drivers to rent out their cars – say, totheir Facebook friends – via a dedicated Opel app for smartphones and tablet computers.


Ford has also launched a six-month pilot scheme to allow 12,000 customers in and aroundLondon who have bought cars through its financial services arm to rent out their vehicles, usingeasyCar Club, an online peer-to-peer platform. The pilot will also run in six cities in the US, incollaboration with Getaround, another platform.

福特也推出了一个为期6个月的试点计划。根据该计划,在伦敦及其周边地区,通过福特旗下的金融服务公司购车的1.2万名顾客,可使用在线P2P平台easyCar Club出租他们的汽车。此外,福特还在6座美国城市与一个名叫Getaround的平台合作推出这一试点。

In each case, a portion of the fee paid by the person renting the car goes to the vehicleowner, with the remainder passing to the manufacturer, partly to cover insurance.



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