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发布时间:2015-06-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

TOKYO — For the first time since a crisis eruptedover deadly defects in airbags made by his family’scompany, the reclusive chief executive of theJapanese supplier Takata publicly addressed theissue on Thursday. He offered an apology butdefended Takata’s products as fundamentally safe.


“I apologize from my heart to those who have diedor been injured, the chief executive, Shigehisa Takada, said after bowing deeply in a show ofremorse. “I feel a heavy responsibility.




Yet Mr. Takada, the 49-year-old grandson of the company’s founder, did not explain why hehad remained all but absent during the crisis that has been at full boil for more than a year.


Even after Toyota and Nissan said on Thursday that they would recall 2.86 million more vehiclesequipped with Takata airbags than first announced, Mr. Takada dismissed suggestions that heshould resign over what has become the largest automobile safety recall in history. So far,about 35 million vehicles worldwide have been affected.


Takata admitted last month that faults in its airbags could cause their inflaters to explode withtoo much force when they deploy, endangering the drivers and passengers that the safetydevices are intended to protect. At least eight deaths and 130 injuries have been linked to thedefect.


Mr. Takada shed little new light on the nature of the defects, and he acknowledged that Takatawas making slow progress with its investigation. The company said it had identifiedmanufacturing failures, which it says have since been resolved, as being responsible for faults inabout 10 million airbag inflaters.


Defects traced to the manufacturing problems, mainly careless handling of inflater componentsat two North American factories, were called “alpha cases inside the company, Takataexecutives said on Thursday.


Questions still surround what the company calls “beta cases, involving inflaters that were notsubject to any known mishandling during production but that ruptured anyway. Prolongedexposure to heat and humidity is suspected to be a contributing factor to the failures, butTakata said it was still trying to pinpoint the exact cause or causes.


Mr. Takada and other executives rejected the theory, put forward by some experts, that thebasic design of Takata’s inflaters was dangerous because the company uses an explosivepropellant, ammonium nitrate, that other airbag manufacturers have avoided because it isdeemed potentially unstable.


“We have been working with ammonium nitrate for more than 10 years, and have tested it in avariety of ways, Mr. Takada said. “As far as I’m concerned, it is safe and reliable.


One automaker, Fiat Chrysler, told the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science andTransportation that it would no longer use Takata inflaters in replacements for driver’s sideairbags in its cars, citing Takata’s use of ammonium nitrate.



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