A Chinese bank will join the group of western banksthat help set the price of gold in London, giving theworld’s biggest consumer of the precious metal agreater say in the process.
State-owned Bank of China’s participation in thetwice daily auction, which miners and consumers useas a benchmark, will make the international pricebetter reflect supply and demand in China, theworld’s largest consumer of gold, the bank said.
国有控股的中国银行(Bank of China)表示,其参与每日两次的拍卖(矿商和消费者将其用作基准),将使国际价格更好地反映中国这一全球最大黄金消费国的供需状况。
“Although being the world’s largest gold producer and consumer, China has never played amajor role in the global gold fixing, Yu Sun, general manager of Bank of China’s Londonbranch, said.
While the bank has participated in the London gold market for decades, the fix has been run bywestern banks since it started in 1919, and used to take place on the premises of NMRothschild.
尽管中行参与伦敦黄金市场已有数十年之久,但此前黄金定价一直由几家西方银行完成,这一安排起始于1919年,过去在英国投行洛希尔(NM Rothschild)的场所进行。
Bank of China’s direct participation will help the Chinese gold market become moreinternational, Mr Yu said. The bank will develop new products based on the London goldauction, it said.
Although China is so important to the trade in gold, international access to its market is limitedby capital controls that do not allow for the free flow of money in and out of the country. Goldtrades on the Shanghai Gold Exchange with gold futures listed on the Shanghai FuturesExchange.
虽然中国对黄金交易如此重要,但其境内市场对国际投资者开放度有限,受到资本管制(不允许资金自由出入境)的限制。上海黄金交易所(Shanghai Gold Exchange)交易黄金,而上海期货交易所(Shanghai FuturesExchange)有黄金期货挂牌上市。
Shanghai Gold Exchange has set up an international board for foreign investors in the city’sfree trade zone, as China slowly opens up its capital account.
Bank of China ranked first in market share of proprietary gold trading on the Shanghai GoldExchange last year, its annual report said. It is also a member of the exchange’s internationalboard.
While London remains the centre for global gold trading, in recent years almost 75 per cent ofthe world’s physical gold has been sent to the Middle East and Asia, according to ANZ.
Gold price setting takes place at 10.30am and 3pm UK time, and final prices are published in USdollars, pounds and euros. The process was moved to an electronic platform run by US energyexchange operator ICE this year after accusations that the old process was opaque and couldbe rigged. It is now a regulated benchmark under the UK Financial Conduct Authority.
The other banks involved in setting the gold price include: Barclays , Goldman Sachs, HSBC,JPMorgan, Société Générale, Bank of Nova Scotia and UBS.
参与设定金价的其他银行包括:巴克莱(Barclays)、高盛(Goldman Sachs)、汇丰(HSBC)、摩根大通(JPMorgan)、法国兴业银行(Société Générale)、加拿大丰业银行(Bank of Nova Scotia)以及瑞银(UBS)。
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