In a modest-looking dwelling shrouded by greeneryhalfway up one of the highest mountains in easternChina, a young couple have been conducting anexperiment in self-sufficiency for about five years.
On Lao Mountain, in coastal Shandong Province,Tang Guanhua, 26, whose family runs a designcompany, and his wife, Xing Zhen, 31, a formersecurities manager, have been surviving by theirown wiles, producing everything from shoes to electricity.
Dressed in their homemade attire, the couple pointed to shelves loaded with bottles of home-brewed vinegar, jars of salt collected from evaporated brine and an enormous bamboocontraption leaning against the wall, held together with rope, that they use to weave clothing.One inspiration is John Seymour, a British advocate of self-sufficiency who spawned amovement half a century ago.
穿着自己缝制的衣服,夫妇二人展示了架子上一瓶瓶自家酿制的醋、一罐罐海水蒸发后采集的盐,还有倚在墙上用绳子固定起来的一个巨大的竹制织布装置。鼓舞他们的包括英国人约翰·塞默(John Seymour)。他倡导自给自足,半个世纪以前发起了这项运动。
But getting to this point has not been easy.Growing up in Qingdao, a port city that thrives ontourism and high-tech development, Mr. Tang, a self-described city boy, believed that“everything could be bought with money, and he said he had no idea about “the differencebetween lettuce and rapeseed, wheat and rice. Before he started renovating the once-shabbybrick hut he rents from local farmers in 2010, Mr. Tang said he had been aware of the hardshipshe might face and tried to prepare as best he could.
Yet he was still overwhelmed by unexpected difficulties. Without gas and kitchenware, Mr. Tangand several volunteers ate raw peppers for supper. Without a bathroom, they dug pits in theyard until there was no space for more.
“Not until then did I figure out how to cope with it, said Mr. Tang, referring to the challengesof disposing of human waste. Within a year, he had built a bamboo septic tank, finished therenovations and begun growing vegetables like Chinese chives and lettuce.
At first, Ms. Xing, who had gotten to know Mr. Tang before he embarked on the self-sufficiencyproject, was bewildered by it. But as she visited the site on Lao Mountain, she was inspired byhis enthusiasm and that of the volunteers who flocked there.
“They were passionate and genuine, unlike other people I had seen who easily gave up theirideas without giving them a try, she recalled.
Unlike Mr. Tang, Ms. Xing had not previously imagined herself as a back-to-nature pioneer.After studying economics for five years, she took the 9-to-5 job that was expected of her. Aslim, bespectacled woman who can frequently be found updating a blog on the couple’s work,Ms. Xing described herself as a “mainstream girl who always followed the crowd. “I didn’t knowhow to think independently, she said.
After the couple married in 2011, Ms. Xing quit her job in Qingdao, mostly because she wantedto spend more time with her husband. But after a year living with him on Lao Mountain, she had“an awakening.
“It was like an epiphany, said Ms. Xing. “I suddenly realized that all I did before was try to fitinto a widely acknowledged value system that I didn’t even fully understand.Having securedtheir shelter, the couple took the challenge to the next level. They visited scholars andhandicraft masters to learn how to brew vinegar, soy sauce and beer, how to knit clothes,raise poultry and make cooking utensils and soap. They converted a bicycle into a generatorand built a washing machine, a solar panel and a small wind turbine.
With help from nearby university students, the couple spent more than two years building asecond hut, two stories high, with bamboo, rocks, clay and recycled building materials.
“I think the local farmers could have finished it within two weeks, Mr. Tang said.
As word of the couple’s project spread, local farmers shook their heads in disbelief, curiosity-seekers flocked to see them, and critics began piling on. During a talk show appearance onChina Central Television, the state broadcaster, celebrity guests mocked them for“challenging modern civilization, accused them of “being delusional and ridiculed them fornot being able to host their parents during holidays. Even friends were confounded.
Contrary to the critics, Mr. Tang and Ms. Xi say the purpose of their project is neither topromote an ascetic lifestyle nor to throw away the fruits of modernization. Instead, they say,it is simply to explore an alternative for those who don’t fit into modern urbanized society.
“When I first came up with the project, I hoped it would be a plan to solve the social issues Iwas concerned about once and for all, Mr. Tang said.
Encouraged by his parents, Mr. Tang had come up with the idea of opening his own businesswhile he was still in high school. After he made some money as an advertising designer and anevent planner for shopping mall openings, he dropped out of high school and was taken bywanderlust.
“It was the traveling that changed my perception of the world, said Mr. Tang, a tall, lean manwith straight hair and an unassuming manner.
In places like Macau, Mr. Tang witnessed the booming of commerce and entertainment, butalso human greed and hypocrisy. “It got me wondering about the purpose of my life and if I’dlike to be someone like that, he mused.
At 18, Mr. Tang was influenced by an artist friend and started expressing his societal concernsthrough street art and photography. But after realizing that none of these efforts had a lastingeffect on other people’s awareness, Mr. Tang, with the help of friends, came up with the ideaof building a self-sufficient community. To cover some of the expenses, he set up anongovernmental organization to accept donations, though contributions from individuals mustbe no more than 1,000 renminbi, about $160.
“This is not a project built up by money, Mr. Tang said. “If you have the ability to donate thatmuch money, we prefer you to donate real things, like building materials and recyclable things,or come join us to experience the project yourself.
He later named the experiment Project AnotherLand and set out a number of steps forachieving his goals.
The first, to determine whether it was possible to live self-sufficiently, appears to have beenlargely achieved by his experiment on Lao Mountain. The second, to expand the project’s scalewith more people, will come later this year when the couple build a larger community in Fuzhou,the capital of Fujian Province. Other steps include sharing their experiences with urban dwellersand publishing a self-sufficiency guidebook, which is in the works.
An increasing number of people are already paying attention. Yang Haitao, a student at OceanUniversity of China in Qingdao, is one of thousands of volunteers who have come through inrecent years. During a recent visit, he said he had learned to make soap from waste oil, growvegetables and knit shoes.
“If there is a larger community like this in the future, I think I’ll sign up for it, Mr. Yang said.
More than just build a community for his peers, Mr. Tang said his goal was to help futuregenerations decide whether they want to live off the grid.
“I won’t have kids until I have built a self-sufficient community, Mr. Tang said. “Maybe mykids will prefer to live in the city. But at least I want to offer them another option to choosefrom.
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