After more than doubling in 2015, the value ofChina's stock market has topped $10tn.
The milestone was hit Friday, according toBloomberg figures published over the weekend.
The speed of the rally has been astonishing. It wasonly in November that China's stock marketcapitalisation, in US dollars, surpassed Japan's. Thedifference between them is now $5tn.
Over 12 months China's market has added $6.7tn, a figure surpassing the entire capitalisationof any single country's stock market, except the US.
In 2015 alone the value of Chinese equities has climbed 102.4 per cent, in US dollars, easilyoutperforming every other equity market.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite has ratcheted up 59 per cent to a seven-year high,becoming the world's third largest stock market in the process (behind the New York StockExchange and the Nasdaq). The tech-heavy Shenzhen Composite has rallied 122 per cent to arecord high, becoming the seventh largest market.
基准的上证综指上涨了59%,升至7年高点。在这一过程中,沪市成长为全球第三大股市——仅落后于纽约证交所(New York Stock Exchange)和纳斯达克(NASDAQ)。科技股云集的深证综指飙升122%,达到创纪录高点,令深市成为全球第七大股市。
Increased talk of bubbly valuations has done little to cool the retail-dominated market, thoughdata on Friday suggested foreigners were taking profits: funds tracking China reported morethan $7bn of outflows in the week to last Wednesday, EPFR data showed.
上一篇: FT社评 新兴经济体亟需结构改革
下一篇: 世界银行:对新兴市场的担忧正在增长
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