UK travel group Thomas Cook has deepened itsrelationship with its major Chinese shareholderFosun, forming a partnership to sell holidays toChina's growing middle class.
英国旅游集团Thomas Cook与其中国大股东复星集团(Fosun)深化了关系,双方组建了一家合资企业,向中国日益壮大的中产阶级销售假日旅行服务。
The Chinese business will be 51 per cent owned byFosun and 49 per cent by Thomas Cook, with tourssold under the British company's brands.
复星将持有这家合资企业51%的股份,其余由ThomasCook持有。该企业将以Thomas Cook的品牌销售旅行服务。
Peter Fankhauser, chief executive officer of Thomas Cook, said:“Today marks a significantmilestone in our strategic partnership with Fosun. We are excited at the prospects ofentering the largest and fastest-growing tourism market in the world with such an experiencedpartner.
Thomas Cook行政总裁彼得•范克豪泽(Peter Fankhauser)表示:“对于我们与复星的战略合作关系来说,今天是一个重要的里程碑。有了经验如此丰富的合作伙伴,我们对进入全球最大、增长最快的旅游市场的前景感到激动。
And Qian Jiannong, president of Fosun's Tourism & Commercial Group, added:“We aredelighted to work with Thomas Cook, the world's best known name in travel, to develop aleading travel business serving the growing number of Chinese travellers. Today, there is a lackof innovation and differentiation in the travel product offerings for Chinese tourists in Chinaand abroad, presenting an excellent opportunity for our new joint venture to gain acompetitive advantage.
复星旅游及商业集团(Fosun's Tourism & Commercial Group)总裁钱建农补充说:“很高兴和全球最知名旅游品牌Thomas Cook合作,为中国日益增多的旅行者开发顶尖的旅游业务。目前,为中国境内外旅行者提供的旅游产品依然缺乏创新和差异化,这为我们新成立的合资企业取得竞争优势创造了绝佳机遇。
In January last year Fosun spent 1bn to purchase Portuguese insurer Caixa Seguros and in2013 it announced a deal to build a new ultra-high end Atlantis resort in the southern Chinesecity of Sanya, in co-operation with Kerzner International.
这只是复星作出的最新一笔投资。去年1月,该集团曾斥资10亿欧元收购了葡萄牙保险公司Caixa Seguros。2013年,该集团宣布一项协议,与柯兹纳国际公司(Kerzner International)合作,在华南城市三亚打造新的超高端亚特兰蒂斯度假村(Atlantis resort)。
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