Talks aimed at reaching an 11th-hour deal betweenGreek ministers and their bailout creditors collapsedon Sunday evening after a new economic reformproposal submitted by Athens was deemedinadequate to continue negotiations.
The breakdown is the clearest sign yet thatdifferences between the two sides may be too wideto breach, increasing the possibility that Athens willnot secure the 7.2bn in bailout aid it needs to avoid defaulting on its debts — including a1.5bn loan repayment due to the International Monetary Fund in just two weeks.
Greek negotiators, including Nikos Pappas, aide-de-camp to Alexis Tsipras, the Greek primeminister, left the headquarters of the European Commission only 45 minutes after entering thebuilding for what were characterised as a “last try by one of the eurozone officials involved inthe talks.
包括希腊总理亚历克西斯•齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)副手尼科斯•帕帕斯(Nikos Pappas)在内的希腊谈判人员,在进入欧盟委员会(European Commission)总部大楼仅仅45分钟后就离开了这一建筑。参与磋商的一位欧元区官员形容他们的行为是“最后努力。
A commission spokesman said there remained a “significant gap between the two sides,amounting to up to 2bn per year, and there was no longer time to reach a “positiveassessment of Greek efforts before a high-stakes meeting of eurozone finance ministers onThursday.
“While some progress was made, the talks did not succeed, said the spokesman. “On thisbasis, further discussion will now have to take place in the eurogroup.
That eurogroup meeting is seen by many officials as the last chance for Athens to secure a dealon an agreed list of the economic reforms its creditors are demanding in order to release the7.2bn aid tranche before Greece’s EU bailout runs out at the end of the month.
Asked as he exited the commission headquarters whether the break-off in talks was a badsign, Mr Pappas told the Financial Times: “We will see.
Without the endorsement of Greece’s trio of bailout monitors — the commission, theInternational Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank — the prospects of an amicableagreement on Thursday is remote, raising the prospect eurozone negotiators may resort tothe “take it or leave it strategy used on Cyprus at a eurogroup meeting two years ago.
On that occasion, an ECB representative warned that without a deal, the central bank wouldbe forced to cut all emergency funding to Cypriot banks — essentially laying waste thecountry’s financial system. There have been similar pressures on the ECB in the past week totake the same stance with Athens.
One senior official involved in the talks said there could still be a compromise on Thursday ifGreek negotiators “go back to Athens and say: ‘Oh shit, we have to do something’. But theofficial acknowledged such a U-turn was unlikely.
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