Developing countries are facing a “structuralslowdown likely to last for years and are ceding theirrole as the world’s growth engine to more matureeconomies such as the US, according to the WorldBank.
世界银行(World Bank)称,发展中国家面临可能持续多年的“结构性放缓,并将全球增长发动机的角色让给美国等更成熟的经济体。
The Washington-based bank yesterday lowered itsforecast for global growth this year to 2.8 per cent,partly because the much-anticipated benefits oflower oil prices have been limited.
Seven years after the global financial crisis, high-income countries were resuming their role asdrivers of international growth, the World Bank said in its twice-yearly report. By contrast, withthe exception of India and a few others, the bank warned that developing economies such asChina must confront an era of slower growth.
The bank’s intervention comes amid mounting evidence that the steady boost the worldeconomy has derived for years from the rise of countries such as Brazil and China is becoming adrag.
After a sluggish start to the year “the recovery in high-income countries is expected tostrengthen, while a broad-based slowdown appears to be under way in developing countries,the bank said in its report.
The “structural slowdown in developing economies such as China has been hit by a range offactors from lower commodity prices to stagnating “South-South trading relationshipsbetween developing peers, Ayhan Kose, the World Bank’s leading macroeconomic forecaster,said.
世行首席宏观经济预测师艾汉•科泽(Ayhan Kose)表示,中国等发展中经济体的“结构性放缓遭遇了一系列因素(从大宗商品价格降低,到发展中国家间的“南南贸易关系陷入停滞)的冲击。
But despite its reservations about emerging markets growth, the World Bank said it expectedmost developing economies to weather the US Federal Reserve’s anticipated decision this yearto raise interest rates for the first time in almost a decade.
Mr Kose said a Fed rate increase was “an important risk but added that challenges faced byemerging markets such as lower commodity prices were “not going to be changing any timesoon.
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