HONG KONG — Renhe Commercial appears to have awell-fortified business model: It builds air raidshelters across China for the government, outfittingthem as underground shopping malls for use duringpeacetime.
But even that strategy has not been enough toprotect the company from the fallout from China’sproperty market slump.
Like many Chinese developers, Renhe is struggling with financial losses and debt, and it hasbeen looking for other sources of income. This week, it said it was buying a collection offarmers’ markets for $800 million, even after sharply reining in spending on new propertyprojects.
The company’s problems highlight a broader challenge that the property market poses toChina’s economic growth. Despite recent signs that housing prices are stabilizing, a backlog ofunsold homes and unleased shops means that builders simply are not doing much building.
Data released Thursday showed that investment in residential and commercial real estatedevelopment rose 5.1 percent in May compared with a year earlier, its slowest pace since early2009. Land purchases by developers continued a sharp decline, falling 31 percent by area and25.8 percent by value last month. Housing starts fell 16 percent, measured by floor area.
“Real estate developers are speeding up destocking but not starting new projects, said HaibinZhu, the chief China economist at JPMorgan in Hong Kong.
摩根大通(JP Morgan)驻香港的首席中国经济师朱海斌表示,“房地产开发商正在加速减少房屋存量,而不是开启新的项目。
“The implications are also twofold, Mr. Zhu said. “The rebound in transactions and stabilizedhouse prices suggest that financial risk related to the housing market is mitigated, but weakreal estate investment suggests that the drag on economic growth continues.
China’s property market has an outsize effect on its economy, which expanded last year at theslowest pace in 24 years. By some economists’ estimates, real estate and related industriesaccount for more than 20 percent of China’s gross domestic product. The sector directlyaffects industries as diverse as construction companies, steel and cement plants, banks andproperty brokerages.
There are increasing signs that prices and sales volumes are stabilizing. The property marketappears to be responding to recent moves by China’s central bank to lower interest rates andfree banks to lend more. Policy makers in recent months have also unwound several restrictionson mortgages and purchases of second homes that had been introduced years earlier toprevent the market from overheating.
Last week, Moody’s Investors Service upgraded its outlook for China’s property sector,forecasting modest housing sales growth of up to 5 percent in the next 12 months, comparedwith a decline of 7.8 percent in 2014.
上周,穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody's Investors Service)上调了对中国房地产行业的展望,预计中国的房屋销售额在未来12个月中会出现5%的适度增长。相比之下,2014年的房产销售额下降了7.8%。
That is good news for developers and for banks that issue mortgages. But it does not mean aflurry of new construction will follow. China’s huge oversupply of unsold homes — mostlyoutside the biggest cities — and builders’ large holdings of undeveloped land mean that thepotential lift from rising housing prices for the broader economy will be muted.
For example, China’s least-developed cities, so-called Tier 3 and 4 localities, have nearly threeyears’ worth of sales in unsold homes on the market, according to a recent paper published bythe International Monetary Fund.
例如,国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)最近发布的一篇文章显示,在中国开发程度最低的城市,即所谓的三四线城市,市场上的待售房屋存量相当于将近三年的销售量。
“Overall, developers are more cautious in buying land, given the expectation of slower growthgoing forward, said Simon Wong, a vice president at Moody’s, a credit rating agency. “Themajority of rated developers have a land inventory of about three to five years, and that’squite ample.
“总体来看,鉴于增速放缓的前景,开发商在购买土地的问题上越来越谨慎,信用评级机构穆迪的副总裁王智健(Simon Wong)说。“大多数接受评级的开发商拥有大约三到五年的土地存量,这个量相当大。
The effects of lackluster activity in the property sector can be seen across the economy. OnTuesday, economists at China’s central bank lowered their economic growth target for the yearto 7 percent, from 7.1 percent, citing the drag from the housing market as a major factor.
Data released Monday showed that imports continue to decline, falling 18.1 percent in Mayfrom the level of a year earlier. Officials have blamed weak global commodity prices, butChina’s imports of key materials like iron ore and copper have also started falling in volumeterms. That is a sign of weak domestic demand, as diminished construction activity meansdecreased demand for steel girders and copper wiring, for example.
That has left Chinese developers scrambling to find new moneymakers.
Evergrande Real Estate Group, a heavily indebted developer based in the southern city ofGuangzhou, has recently branched into new businesses, including bottled mineral water, grainand edible oils and a cosmetic surgery clinic. Dalian Wanda, a mall developer, announcedplans last year to go into e-commerce.
For Renhe, the business of converting bomb shelters into shopping malls has turned costly andunprofitable. The company has accumulated debt, reporting net losses and negative cashflow for the past several years.
With only about 900 million renminbi, or about $150 million, in cash on hand, Renhe will have tofind a way to repay or refinance a $1 billion bond it sold to international investors, which comesdue for repayment in nine months.
The company’s “cash position has declined quite significantly, said Mr. Wong of Moody’s. “Ithink Renhe’s business model is quite difficult to sustain.
Renhe’s deal for eight farmers’ markets in six cities across China is designed to generateminimum annual profit from rents of 625 million Hong Kong dollars, or about $80 million. But itcomes with a twist. Renhe is buying the markets from one of its directors, who is also the wifeof the company’s chairman and controlling shareholder.
It will settle most of the purchase price by issuing new shares — but those shares will beissued at a 50 percent discount to where the stock traded before the deal was announced.
The developer said it saw the potential for more than just rental yields. The company wants tocreate an agricultural e-commerce business “by bringing together traders through an electronictrading platform and network to create virtual market places.
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