Australia is the biggest donor offoreign aid in the South Pacific but China is challenging its influence in a region it regards as itsback yard, according to research by the Lowy Institute think-tank.
根据智库洛伊研究所(Lowy Institute)的研究,澳大利亚仍是南太平洋地区的最大外援提供国,但中国正在澳大利亚视为后院的地区挑战澳大利亚的影响力。
Between 2006 and 2013 Australia provided $6.8bn in bilateral aid to the region, the US gave$1.7bn and China spent $1.4bn. But Beijing is now the biggest overseas backer of Fiji,providing $339.2m to the island nation in the same period while Australia gave $252.2m.
Chinese grants and loans are helping to build roads, schools and other infrastructure in theeight countries with which it enjoys diplomatic relations in the region. Chinese companies areactive and are backing the $1.6bn Ramu Nickel mine in Papua New Guinea.
“In some specific countries in the Pacific, the amount of aid provided by China is rivalling that ofAustralia and other traditional partners, says Philippa Brant, Lowy Institute researcher andauthor of the report.
“在某些特定的太平洋国家,中国提供的援助金额正在比肩澳大利亚和其他传统合作伙伴,洛伊研究所研究员、报告作者菲莉帕•布兰特(Philippa Brant)表示。
“Perhaps one of the reasons the Pacific was quarantined from the cuts was to help maintainAustralia’s dominance as a donor in the face of increasing engagement from China and otheremerging donors.
China does not publish a definitive list of aid projects, considering them a state secret. TheLowy Institute drew on 500 sources, including budgets, tender documents, and governmentstatements, as well as interviews.
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