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发布时间:2015-06-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Apple has paved the way for iPhone users to blockonline advertising shown in its Safari web browser, inan attempt to improve privacy that could preventweb publishers from reaching some of their mostvaluable customers.


Changes planned for iOS 9, the iPhone and iPadoperating system that will be pushed out later thisyear, include “Content Blocking Safari Extensions,according to documents shared with app makers this week at Apple’s Worldwide DevelopersConference.

苹果在本周的全球开发者大会上与应用开发者分享的文件显示,它计划今年晚些时候推出的iOS 9操作系统(适用于iPhone和iPad)将做出上述改变。



“Content Blocking gives your extensions a fast and efficient way to block cookies, images,resources, pop-ups and other content, Apple says in documentation for developers.


Apple believes that privacy and security are among its greatest differentiators againstGoogle’s Android mobile platform, which as the main rival to iOS runs on more than three-quarters of all smartphones sold. Tim Cook, Apple chief executive, last week declared his beliefin a “fundamental right to privacy in a barnstorming speech in Washington DC.


Over a video link from Silicon Valley, he told an audience at an event organised by privacyresearch group EPIC that many tech companies were “gobbling up everything they can learnabout you and trying to monitise it. We think that’s wrong.


Nonetheless, the move to enable ad-blocking on iPhones has caused concern among some inthe media industry, as Apple customers are widely seen as a wealthier demographic desirableto advertisers.


Joshua Benton, director of Harvard University’s Nieman Journalism Lab, called it a “worrisomedevelopment. “For the many news companies counting on mobile advertising for their businessmodel, I don’t see a way that this change doesn’t shave off a real slice of mobile advertisingrevenue, he wrote in a blogpost on Wednesday.

哈佛大学尼曼资讯实验室(Nieman Journalism Lab)主任约书亚•本顿(Joshua Benton),称苹果此举“令人担忧。“对于许多把移动广告作为商业模式的资讯公司而言,我认为,这一变化肯定会令其损失一大部分移动广告收入,周三他在一篇博文中上写道。

Ad-blocking has been available on the Mac version of Safari for several years but, if taken upby developers, the tool would mean users can choose to install an app that would block onlineadvertising and the tools used to target it on the iPhone’s browser for the first time.


The planned update comes as Apple tries to re-establish its place at the heart of the media andentertainment industry with the launch of Music, a new all-in-one subscription streaming andradio app, and News, a slick magazine-style app showing a range of free content frompublishers that will compete with the likes of Flipboard and Facebook’s Instant Stories. Apple’sNews app will allow publishers to sell their own advertising or split revenues when using its owniAd tool.

计划作出上述变动之时,苹果推出了Apple Music和Apple News两款应用,努力重塑自己在媒体和娱乐行业的核心地位。Apple Music是一款全新的多功能合一的流媒体和无线电广播订阅应用。Apple News是一款精美的杂志式应用,可以展示来自出版商的大量免费内容,将与Flipboard和Facebook的Instant Stories等应用展开竞争。Apple News将允许出版商出售自己的广告,或者在使用iAd工具时与苹果分享收入。


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