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国际足联 你是如何摊上事儿的

发布时间:2015-06-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Soccer isn’t exactly a popular sport in the US. Butthe US Justice Department recently made a dramaticmove that has been applauded by fans of the sportworldwide.


US Justice Department officials and prosecutorsannounced on May 27 a sweeping indictmentagainst 14 soccer officials from world soccergoverning body FIFA and marketing executives,wrote The New York Times. These people have beenaccused of corrupting the sport through two decades of shadowy dealing and $150 million(930 million yuan) in bribes.




Prior to the announcement, in the early morning of May 27, Swiss police came unannounced toa luxury hotel in Zurich and arrested seven FIFA officials. The men found themselves underarrest on federal charges that have usually been brought against mafia families or drug cartels,including racketeering, wire fraud, money laundering, and bribery.


US Attorney General Loretta Lynch was quoted by The New York Times as saying that thecurrent charges are “only the beginning, and are part of much broader global efforts tocombat FIFA’s corruption. Switzerland on the same day also announced a parallelinvestigation that will focus on the bidding process for the 2018 Russia and 2022 Qatar WorldCup Finals. It has long been rumored both countries won bidding to host the tournamentsthrough bribery.


Tumbling down


These developments could actually bring down the powerful FIFA. The organization was foundedin 1904, when eight European nations agreed to cooperate in organizing international matches.In the past 40 years, says Slate’s Stefan Fatsis, FIFA has survived a string of scandals andcorrupt officials. “Its offices have been raided; its business partners have stood trial; and itsmembers have been purged for bribery, embezzlement, kickbacks, vote-buying, and otherwrong-doings.


Political ripples


There are political implications involving the US, UK and Russia stemming from the corruptionprobe into the soccer organization.


Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the US of meddling in FIFA’s affairs and hinted thecharges are part of an attempt to take the 2018 World Cup away from his country.


Putin said in televised comments that he found it “odd that a probe was launched at therequest of US officials for alleged crimes that did not happen in the US, reported US-basedCBS News.


Ever since the scandalous arrest of the FIFA executives last week, association president SeppBlatter has been under unprecedented pressure from top soccer executives and Europeanpoliticians, including UK Prime Minister David Cameron, who are demanding he give up withouta struggle and step down from his post.


What’s next?


After winning his fifth term at the helm of FIFA, Sepp Blatter set a defiant tone in his firstpress conference, blasting the US corruption probe and suggesting there was a US-backedcampaign to oust him.


According to an article on explanatory journalism website vox.com, the charges aren’t aninclusive summary of all the wrongdoings that may or may not be happening within FIFA.Rather, they’re tightly focused on just one aspect of alleged corrupt activity – in this case, thedistribution of broadcast rights for soccer games.


The website thus concluded that Sepp Blatter, who was not charged last Wednesday, may notbe off the hook.



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